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部编高中英语人教版选修8 Unit2 Cloning Period5 Using language II Listening and speaking 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省


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部编高中英语人教版选修8 Unit2 Cloning Period5 Using language II Listening and speaking 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
课题:部编高中英语人教版选修8 Unit2 Cloning Period5 Using language II Listening and speaking 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
课题:部编高中英语人教版选修8 Unit2 Cloning Period5 Using language II Listening and speaking 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
Teaching Material Analysis  The previous lessons include Period 1 Warming-up and Pre-reading, Period 2 reading, Period 3 Learning about language and Period 4Using language I Reading, discussing and writing from Page 10 to Page 16. And this is the last lesson of this Unit, which is mainly about listening and speaking based on the topic of this unit – cloning.  Before the class the teacher assigned two related articles for the students to refer to. The first one is A Debate on Page 58 of their text book and the second one is A Interview from the extensive reading book. Meanwhile the tape script of the listening part is prepared as handout(Appendix 1) for their reference during the class.  Analysis of the students  Not having been exposed to speaking in front of the whole class, most of the students have little chance to express themselves in English and hence feel a little nervous or afraid of a  speaking class due to the large size of their class - 93 students. However, this time the classroom can only hold around 30 students, leading to voluntary attendance. As the teacher intends to get all the students involved, each of them plays a certain role in the teaching procedure.  8 debaters are divided into two groups, the positive side and the negative side;  8 think tank members are divided accordingly, which enables each side has a group of supporters to provide argument or evidence during the debate;  5 judges from this class and 2 judges from the class of the next room, which makes the assessment procedure seem more formal and fair;  11 attendants including the interviewer as the audience need to listen carefully and be prepared to be interviewed and vote for the best debater at the end of the debate.  Now that they are voluntary to do the job and each has a duty to perform, their motivation has been aroused obviously whether it is during the preparation process before the class or the debating process in class.  Analysis of the teaching Method  To make the debate more authentic, the teacher assumes that there is a letter on animal cloning to be completed for the government office and the students’ opinion is crucial. So the whole class depends on a task – the debate.  Teaching aims      1. express themselves confidently, accurately and freely by combining the material form the  listening part , useful expressions in this lesson and the information gathered before the class;  2. get involved by cooperating with their team members in expressing themselves;  3. learn more about the advantages and disadvantages of animal cloning and form their own  opinion on the issue by listening, discussing and speaking. Teaching important points  The Ss are able to express their own opinion on animal cloning through three aspects: economic value, science value and social controversy.  Teaching difficult points  Since the moral question about animal cloning is more abstract, the Ss may find difficulty in both arguing clearly and providing relevant evidence.  Teaching Approaches  Task-based approach, situational approach and communicative approach Teaching aids  Slide Multi-media, blackboard, guided learning plan for Ss Teaching procedure Step 1: Lead-in  Show the pictures of Zhongzhong and Huahua and ask some questions: Q1: What can you see?  Q2: Are they special? Do they have names? Explain the news. Q3: What’s next? Step 2: Listening  Listen for the first time and get a general understanding of the listening material. Tick out what they have heard in Exercise 1 on Page 17.  Listen for the second time and fill in the chart in Exercise 2 on Page 17. Step 3: Discussing  Check the answers with the help of the tape script prepared in each student’s drawer. And then have a discussing with the help of the useful expressions in part 3 on Page 18.  Step 4: Debating Round 1: Economic value  Firstly, the first debater puts forward to the statement of the positive side. Then, the first debater of the negative side express the argument of the negative side. Finally, have a free debate if necessary.  Round 2: Science value  The same rule as the first round and this time the second debater of each side provides argument.  Round 3: Social controversy  The same rule as the former two rounds and this time the third debater of each side provides argument.  Round 4: Conclusion  The leader of each side draws a conclusion of the whole debate. Round 5: Vote Step 5  Assignment:  1. Summarize your own ideas and write an article accordingly; 2. Exchange your article with your deskmate and revise it.
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