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部编高中英语人教版选修8 Unit4 Pygmalion.Revise the Past Participle as the Adverbial Based on Flipped Classro


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部编高中英语人教版选修8 Unit4 Pygmalion.Revise the Past Participle as the Adverbial Based on Flipped Classro
课题:部编高中英语人教版选修8 Unit4 Pygmalion.Revise the Past Participle as the Adverbial Based on Flipped Classro
课题:部编高中英语人教版选修8 Unit4 Pygmalion.Revise the Past Participle as the Adverbial Based on Flipped Classroom Approach获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,陕西省
NSEFC BOOK8 UNIT4  Revise the Past Participle as the Adverbial Based on Flipped Classroom Approach   Guo Wei    This student-centered grammar instruction lesson is designed on the basis of the flipped classroom approach. Students first learned the grammar rules autonomously via the micro-class the day before. It is beneficial to cultivate their autonomous learning habit, and helps to save more time in class for students to explore the difficulties as well as apply the target grammar, which is difficult to achieve in traditional grammar instruction class. Besides, this lesson has the distinctive context background. The whole teaching contents have the only one theme, which is about students’ latest study tour of strawberry planet in Tong Chuan last month. This contributes to arousing students’ learning interest and engagement in this class. Furthermore, both the micro-class and the following class started with extensive reading, in which students implicitly experienced the grammar structure in the specific context. Then, they got the rules of the target grammar by observing and exploring the reading materials. Therefore, the inductive approach is adopted in the learning process. So the whole grammar instruction lesson is based on the following stages: presentation, practice and production. From the perspective of students, they experienced four stages, namely experiencing, exploring, induction, and applying. Finally, this lesson is designed on the basis of students’ zone of proximal development. The final task in the production stage has different aim requirements based on the analysis of students learning background and the teaching need to promote their development largely.    I. Analysis of Teaching Material  This teaching period focuses on revising past participle as adverbial, which is one of the key grammar items in English language, and also puzzles students a lot. Therefore, in order to stimulate students’ learning interest and motivation, the target grammar is set in an interesting context. It is about their recent study tour of strawberry planet in Tong Chuan, which is the explicit topic while the target grammar is the implicit learning material. Thus, the study tour context serves as the carrier of the target grammar. Besides, as a revising lesson, this teaching period puts an emphasis on students’ exploration of the difficulties and the application of the target grammar, which they all undertook by themselves in class. The final writing task is arranged based on the analysis of students. Since this is a revising lesson, a majority of students can write by using the target grammar and attain a more higher level with the previous knowledge. For students who can not attain this level, the writing task also has an appropriate version of requirement with degraded difficulty. They can    - 2 - refer to the given reading text which serves as an scaffold for students to achieve the writing task. Finally, in the stage of practice and production, the exercises are arranged from closed questions to open questions to achieve the teaching aim.  II. Analysis of Students   Students have learned the target grammar before, and they knew the nonfinite verbs but not every student can express ideas by using the target grammar. The practice exercises as well as the task are designed according to this academic background of students. Due to different language proficiency and language ability, different levels of writing tips are designed to ensure the development in their zone of proximal development to different extent.  Learning from the micro class of the flipped classroom enables students to revise the meaning, the form, the function of the past participle as well as the method of changing adverbial phrases into adverbial clauses or compound sentences. They had equipped themselves with the basic rules of the target grammar, which laid a foundation for the class production.  The students, who were all born in the Information Age, to a great extent, are familiar with and interested in watching videos. However, they are likely to lose patience when reading an article on unfamiliar topics. Thus, In order to motivate their learning interest, their experiences became the theme of the class to make them aware that English is everywhere, and life itself is the learning materials.  III. Teaching Objectives 1. Objectives of Knowledge   Get students to learn and grasp the rules of the past participle as the adverbial.  Get students to learn about the experiences in strawberry planet via reading. 2. Objectives of Ability   Enable students to use the past participle as the adverbial in expressing ideas.  Develop students’ ability to explore the rules by the inductive approach.  Cultivate students’ autonomous learning ability via flipped classroom approach. 3. Objectives of Emotion   Get students to learn about the significance of study tour.   Get students to develop their sense of group cooperation to work out puzzles.  IV. Teaching Emphases  1. Enable students to have a good command of the past participle as the adverbial. 2. Get students to explore puzzles in group work.  3. Get students to use the past participle as the adverbial in expressing ideas. 4. Get students to learn the inductive approach to explore the rules of grammar. V Teaching difficulties  1. Get students to have a good command of the past participle as the adverbial.
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