

部编沪教版八年级英语上册Module2 Science and technology.Unit4 Inventions 单元复习获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,广东省


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部编沪教版八年级英语上册Module2 Science and technology.Unit4 Inventions 单元复习获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,广东省
课题:部编沪教版八年级英语上册Module2 Science and technology.Unit4 Inventions 单元复习获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,广东省
TAGS: 八年级英语 PPT
课题:部编沪教版八年级英语上册Module2 Science and technology.Unit4 Inventions 单元复习获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,广东省
Grammar Revision:  Comparative and Superlative of Adjective (语法复习:形容词比较级和最高级) Teacher: Analysis of the teaching context:  This lesson is a revision of the comparative and superlative of adjective, which students have already learnt in their previous lessons. The lesson aims to remind the students about the form , meaning and function of the grammar point. To provide opportunities for students to use what they have learnt, practice and activities would be necessary to meet leaner’s need in this lesson. Class Profile:  47 students age from 13 to14. They are generally at intermediate level. 15 of them can do better than others in English, who are able to be a teaching assistant or leader in each team. However, there are also 5 students who have already given up studying English. Some of the students are talkative. They can offer help to those who are reluctant to talk. Students of class 17 are used to be divided into teams. Students of this class may become nervous and shy when other teachers are observing the class. Teaching objectives:  1. Language ability objectives(语言能力)  a. Review the six forms of comparative and superlative of adjectives through practice. b. Recall the meaning and function of comparative and superlative of adjective in context. c. Master speaking skills—imitate the example and use appropriate language to complete speaking task.  2. Thinking quality aims: (思维品质)  a. Compare, analyze and evaluate different characters.  b. Enhance imagination by describing different characters with comparative and superlative of adjectives.  3. Cultural quality aims: (文化品格)  a. Take interest in both Chinese and Foreign cartoon. Enjoy learning. b. Understand and respect ideas of heroes of different cultures. 4. Learning ability aims: (学习能力)  Complete a dialogue by discussing and acting out the conversation in groups. Key points in teaching:  Elicit the form, meaning and function of conational sentences Difficulty  Guide the students to use comparative and superlative of adjective in context. Material: Textbook for Grade 8, Worksheet Teaching procedure:  Teaching procedure  Teacher activities  Students activities  Teaching aim  time  Lead in  1. Play the game ‘Guess Who’ 2. Lead in the grammar point of today’s lesson.  1. Guess who with clues 2. Recall the form and  meaning of the comparative and superlative of adjective Lead in the topic 5 min  Practice 1  1. Elicit the forms of the  comparative and superlative of adjective.  2. Ask the Ss to finish part one on the worksheet.  3. Guide Ss to conclude the features of the comparative and superlative of adjective. 4. Check the answers.  1. Recall the forms of the comparative and superlative of adjective through the lead in activity.  2. Finish part one on the worksheet.  3. Conclude the features of the comparative and superlative of adjective. 4. Check the answers. Recall the forms of the  comparative and superlative of adjective through the lead in activity.  10 min Practice 2  1. Show pictures of the teacher and superwoman, lead in a short passage.  2. Ask the Ss to read the passage and try to correct the mistakes in it.  3. Check the answer.  4. Remind Ss about how to use the target language in context, and use it to describe persons and things.  1. Read the short passage and correct the mistakes in it.  2. Discuss shortly to review how to use the target language in context. 3. Check the answers.  Review the meaning and function of today’s target language.  10 min  Speaking task  1. Introduce three cartoon  characters.  2. Guide the Ss to describe the characters with proper adj.  3. Set example of how to compare the characters with comparatives and superlatives.  3. Ask Ss to discuss in groups and finish the dialogue according to he information and examples.  4. Ask groups of Ss to act out the dialogue.  5. Lead the rest of the Ss to listen carefully and try to find out one mistake of the dialogue.  6. Consolidate the knowledge Ss have learnt. 1. Get to know the cartoon characters through the  information provided by the teacher.  2. Imitate the examples and try to describe and compare the characters.  3. Discuss in groups and finish the dialogue.  4. Act out the dialogue. 5. Listen to other’s  presentation carefully and find out the mistake. 6. Consolidate the knowledge.  1. Output of acting out he dialogue.  2. Consolidate the knowledge Ss have learnt. 3. Improve speaking  skills—compare the characters by imitating the example and using today’s target language.  15 min Homework  Write and article about the super heroes Ss met today with the help the evaluation table.
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标签: 八年级英语 PPT
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      01初中英语名师展示《Subway hero》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该视频《Subway hero》主要讲述了老师在课堂上通过猜测游戏和故事阅读的方式教授学生英语知识。首先,老师引导学生通过想象猜测物品,锻炼他们的思维能力和英语词汇量。接着,老师通过讲述一个发生在火车站的故事,教授学生相关的英语单词和短语,如“platform”、“rail”等,并引导学生猜测故事中可能发生的事情,如有人被推下站台或发生意外等。通过这种方式,学生不仅能够学到英语知识,还能提高阅读理解和想象力。

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      02初中英语名师展示《Teaching plan for The wonderful Wizard of Oz》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该课例《Teaching plan for The wonderful Wizard of Oz》视频主要讲述了老师引导学生阅读一本书籍的过程。老师首先介绍了封面上的图片,并询问学生书名和其中角色的名字。接着,老师让学生翻到第一章并阅读,随后询问与章节内容相关的问题,如星星居住的地方、故事发生的地点等。通过提问和回答,老师引导学生理解故事情节和背景。整个视频体现了老师引导学生阅读、思考和回答问题的过程,有助于学生更好地理解和记忆书中内容。

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      03初中英语名师展示《Travel Journal》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《Travel Journal》视频主要讲述了英语老师Shawn在京华旅行的经历以及他写旅行日记的过程。Shawn分享了自己在旅行中记录见闻和感受的习惯,并展示了他在京华旅行时写的日记内容。视频中,Shawn还通过选择题的形式与学生们互动,帮助他们理解日记中的语句和词汇。通过这一堂课,学生们不仅能够了解旅行日记的写作方法,还能通过Shawn的旅行经历感受不同地方的文化和风情。

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      05初中英语名师展示《We are trying to save the animals》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《We are trying to save the animals》教学视频主要讲述了英语老师在课堂上与学生进行互动,以探讨关于动物的话题。老师首先询问了学生们对于动物的看法,并通过图片展示了一些动物,引导学生们进行讨论。学生们积极发言,分享了自己对于动物的喜爱和认识。老师还通过提问和引导学生们表达自己的想法,帮助学生们提高口语表达能力。整个课堂氛围轻松愉悦,学生们在互动中不仅学到了知识,也锻炼了语言交流能力。

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      06初中英语名师展示《Makes one b better person》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《Makes one b better person》教学视频主要讲述了视频博主亮亮通过分享自己的视频内容,介绍了自己在旅行中的经历和生活方式。亮亮在视频中展示了多种技能,如跑步、游泳、拍照等,并特别强调了拍照对自己带来的快乐和启发。他认为拍照能够记录下不同文化背景下的人们的生活,让自己更加了解世界。同时,亮亮也提到了学习能让自己变得更好,暗示了学习对于个人成长的重要性。整个视频传递出积极向上的生活态度和对世界的热爱。

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      08初中英语名师展示《Let's have fun reading today》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《Let's have fun reading today》教学视频主要讲述了在一次特殊的英语课上,老师通过一组数字来介绍自己,并引导学生猜测数字背后的含义。学生们积极参与,通过互动猜对了老师的一些信息,如教学年限和年龄等。视频还讨论了拥有手机的好处,学生们认为手机提供了便利,有助于学习。同时,也有学生认为手机的好坏难以一概而论,虽然它有诸多优点,但也可能带来负面影响。视频通过互动和讨论的方式,展示了英语课堂的趣味性和教育性。

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      09初中英语名师展示《The death of a government clerk》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《The death of a government clerk》视频主要讲述了Jimmy Kudo作为一名高中生侦探,虽然身体被变小,但依旧擅长逻辑思考、推理和搜集线索,通过科技发明帮助解决案件。视频中提到了一个发生在1880年俄罗斯的案件,Jimmy Kudo和他的朋友一起努力解决这个案子,逐步收集信息,最终揭示真相。视频内容强调了逻辑思考和证据收集在解决案件中的重要性,并展示了Jimmy Kudo的聪明才智和敏锐的观察力。

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