

部编外研版七年级英语下册Module11 Body language Unit2 Here are some ways to welcome them.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,天津市


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部编外研版七年级英语下册Module11 Body language Unit2 Here are some ways to welcome them.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,天津市
课题:部编外研版七年级英语下册Module11 Body language Unit2 Here are some ways to welcome them.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,天津市
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课题:部编外研版七年级英语下册Module11 Body language Unit2 Here are some ways to welcome them.获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,天津市
ⅠBasic Information  Title Module 11 Body language Unit 2 Here are some ways to welcome them. Type  reading and writing  Grade  Year 7  Ⅱ Teaching Analysis  The analysis of the teaching materials  This passage is typical reading and writing material, which focuses on the topic of different body language in different countries. This topic is important for students to build up the international vision, so they will find it important and useful in the future. Through learning, they will understand the cultural differences on body language, accept and appreciate different body language in different countries.  The analysis of the students Ss are from Year 7. They are active, cooperative, and fond of different classroom  activities. They enjoy learning English in a relaxing atmosphere. However,  sometimes they are lack of some learning strategies which are important for them.  Ⅲ Target Setting  Teaching Aims  Knowledge & ability  Be able to read and use the key words and phrases correctly. Be able to understand the passage and find out the specific information from it.  Be able to learn how to use imperative sentences in the correct way.  Be able to make class rules with correct phrases and grammar points.  Procedure & methods  Ss can grasp language points while individual work, pair work, group work and cooperation. They can associate what they learn with the real life which can arouse their interests.  Emotion, attitude & values  Through learning, Ss will understand different body language in different countries. Then, they will learn to  appreciate different cultures, which can be very useful for  them to build up the international vision in the future. Ss can cooperate with others well and be eager to communicate with teacher and other students. Teaching task  Make class rules in groups with correct expressions. Key points  Ss will understand the passage, as well as understand and appreciate different body language in different countries. Meanwhile, they can also get some important learning strategies.  Difficult points  Ss will make class rules with correct expressions.  教案  Teaching aids blackboard, multimedia equipment and handouts Ⅳ Teaching Procedures  Teaching Steps  Teacher’s Involvement The Ss’ Involvement Task Goals Time   Lead-in  1.Play an English song to Ss and encourage them to sing the song together. 1.Sing the English song together. 1.Lead in the target topic “body language” by an English song.  2.Encourage  students to review the vocabulary and knowledge learnt last class.  5  2.Invite two students to give a presentation about body language. 2.Review the body  language learnt last  class.  Pre- reading  1.Show a word web about different parts of our body to encourage students to learn more vocabulary by word web which is a useful vocabulary skill. 1.Learn vocabulary about  different parts of our  body and try to use  “word web” to  memorize more  vocabulary.  1.Learn some  important  vocabulary about  different parts of  our body and get  the vocabulary  skill “word web”.  2.Find out the main idea of the passage and learn the reading skill- how to look for the main idea of a passage.  3.Predict the passage  – how will Lingling welcome the foreign students.     7  2.Encourage Ss to look  for the main idea of the passage and learn the reading skill – how to look for the main idea of a passage.  2.Find out the main idea  of the passage and get  the useful reading  skill.  3.Encourage Ss to predict the passage –how will Lingling welcome the foreign students? 3.Try to predict the passage – how will  Lingling welcome the  foreign students?  While- reading  1.Encourage Ss to skim the passage and find out in what aspects Lingling talks about the body language and learn the reading skill –skim and find out the key sentence in the paragraph. 1.Skim the passage and find out in what aspects Lingling talks about the body language and learn the important reading skill.  1.Encourage students to skim and scan the passage and get the main idea and details of it. 2.Train Ss’ reading skills to find out   20  2.Ask Ss to scan the  passage and find out  the body language and  places mentioned in it  and learn the reading  skill --scanning.   2.Scan the passage and find out the specific information and get the reading skill -- scanning. key sentence as  well as the  specific  information of the  passage.  3.Conclude the  important  sentence pattern to give advice and practice using it. 4. Learn some  important vocabulary and expressions in the passage. 5. Encourage Ss to read the passage and train their pronunciation and intonation. 3.Encourage Ss to discuss in groups and find out what body language people should and shouldn’t use in different countries. 3. Discuss in groups and  find out what body  language people  should and shouldn’t use in different  countries and finish  the form about it.  4.Encourage Ss to  conclude the ways to  give advice from the  form and practice  using the sentence  pattern.  3. Conclude the ways to  give advice and practice  using the sentence  pattern by describing  some pictures.  5. Check Ss’ memory of the passage and encourage Ss to finish a short paragraph with some important expressions.  5. Read some expressions together and finish a paragraph with them. 6.Encourage Ss to ape the video and read the passage slightly and correctly first then read it loudly and correctly again. 6.First, imitate the video  and read the passage slightly and correctly. Then, read it loudly and correctly, pay attention to the pronunciation and  intonation. Post-  reading  1.Encourage Ss to think  about how they will  welcome new  classmates and try to  introduce class rules to  new students.  1.Braistorm how to  welcome new  classmates and  introduce class rules to  new students.  1. Create the real life situations and encourage Ss to associate what they learn in class about different body language and sentence pattern to give advice.
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      01初中英语名师展示《Subway hero》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

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      该《Travel Journal》视频主要讲述了英语老师Shawn在京华旅行的经历以及他写旅行日记的过程。Shawn分享了自己在旅行中记录见闻和感受的习惯,并展示了他在京华旅行时写的日记内容。视频中,Shawn还通过选择题的形式与学生们互动,帮助他们理解日记中的语句和词汇。通过这一堂课,学生们不仅能够了解旅行日记的写作方法,还能通过Shawn的旅行经历感受不同地方的文化和风情。

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      该《We are trying to save the animals》教学视频主要讲述了英语老师在课堂上与学生进行互动,以探讨关于动物的话题。老师首先询问了学生们对于动物的看法,并通过图片展示了一些动物,引导学生们进行讨论。学生们积极发言,分享了自己对于动物的喜爱和认识。老师还通过提问和引导学生们表达自己的想法,帮助学生们提高口语表达能力。整个课堂氛围轻松愉悦,学生们在互动中不仅学到了知识,也锻炼了语言交流能力。

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      06初中英语名师展示《Makes one b better person》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《Makes one b better person》教学视频主要讲述了视频博主亮亮通过分享自己的视频内容,介绍了自己在旅行中的经历和生活方式。亮亮在视频中展示了多种技能,如跑步、游泳、拍照等,并特别强调了拍照对自己带来的快乐和启发。他认为拍照能够记录下不同文化背景下的人们的生活,让自己更加了解世界。同时,亮亮也提到了学习能让自己变得更好,暗示了学习对于个人成长的重要性。整个视频传递出积极向上的生活态度和对世界的热爱。

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      08初中英语名师展示《Let's have fun reading today》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《Let's have fun reading today》教学视频主要讲述了在一次特殊的英语课上,老师通过一组数字来介绍自己,并引导学生猜测数字背后的含义。学生们积极参与,通过互动猜对了老师的一些信息,如教学年限和年龄等。视频还讨论了拥有手机的好处,学生们认为手机提供了便利,有助于学习。同时,也有学生认为手机的好坏难以一概而论,虽然它有诸多优点,但也可能带来负面影响。视频通过互动和讨论的方式,展示了英语课堂的趣味性和教育性。

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      09初中英语名师展示《The death of a government clerk》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《The death of a government clerk》视频主要讲述了Jimmy Kudo作为一名高中生侦探,虽然身体被变小,但依旧擅长逻辑思考、推理和搜集线索,通过科技发明帮助解决案件。视频中提到了一个发生在1880年俄罗斯的案件,Jimmy Kudo和他的朋友一起努力解决这个案子,逐步收集信息,最终揭示真相。视频内容强调了逻辑思考和证据收集在解决案件中的重要性,并展示了Jimmy Kudo的聪明才智和敏锐的观察力。

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