

01人教版高中英语选择性必修一Unit 5 Working the Land 大单元说课视频(2023年国家级示范校成果展示课例视频)

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01人教版高中英语选择性必修一Unit 5 Working the Land 大单元说课视频(2023年国家级示范校成果展示课例视频)
课题:01人教版高中英语选择性必修一Unit 5 Working the Land 大单元说课视频(2023年国家级示范校成果展示课例视频)

  01人教版高中英语选择性必修一Unit 5 Working the Land 大单元说课视频(2023年国家级示范校成果展示课例视频)

  说话人 1

  悉心帮助,接下来请大家继续收看下面的活动。各位老师大家好,我是乌鲁木齐八一中学高中英语教研组长王志宏,很高兴在这里和大家分享基于主题意义的单元整体教学实践,探索普通高中英语课程标准,将主题语境列为英语课程内容的六大要素之一,而且是第一要素。课标还指出,单元是承载主题意义的基本单位。课标解读中指出单元承载着学科核心素养培养的具体而有所侧重的目标任务是通过英语课程学习促进学生成长比较完整的过程周期。总之,课标提倡的教学理念是在单元教学中,教师要实施以主题为引领、语篇为依托、以活动为途径的整合性教学方式。以下我将从这四个方面来进行分享。一、基本原理,主题式教学又被称之为是 same based instruction。其核心在构建主义学习理论和多元智能理论的指导下,通过跨学科领域的主题研究与活动来发挥学生的主题构建性和主观能动性,从而实现促进学生全面发展的目标主题式教学的基本思路是在真实情境中围绕主题开展教学。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  二、主题意义探究主体错位学生是英语学习的主体,应主动参与到主题意义探究中去。但不少教师或迫于教育进度的压力,或受传统教学观念的束缚,通常将自己对主题的解读强加给学生,对学生开展主题意探究活动缺乏指导,学生参与度不高。三、主题意义探究表层化。在教学中,部分教师过于关注语篇中语言知识点的学习,而对语篇本身的内容和主题意义不够重视,或只停留在语篇的层面。教学的焦点始终围绕对教材文本的理解展开,这是探究范围狭窄,无法拓观学生的思维。三、基于主题意义的单元整体教学事件下面就以 2019 人教版高中英语新教材选择性必修一 unit five WALKING the land 为例呈现如何开展基于主题意义的单元整体教学实践。一、整合单元整体内容,构建教学框架。教师应从课程内容视角研读单元全部内容,提炼单元主题意义,搭建单元总体扣价本单元的标题是 work in the land,探讨了与农业相关的热点问题、世界饥饿问题和可持续发展。农业教材围绕这一话题,提供了多角度和多模态的素材。基于单元主题,首先对各语篇的话题进行提取和分析如下。通过挖掘与篇之间的共性联系,可以发现不同语篇分别从做出突出贡献的典型人物、可持续农耕、促进环境保护、科技创新等视角,构建出人类命运共同体的单元核心价值。分析完单元文本的主要内容,进一步挖掘各语篇与单元主题的联系,将语篇进行整合和重组,本单元的教学逻辑和主题,以探究主线就清晰地呈现出来。基于以上对单元内容的梳理和整合,文本内容不再碎片化,而是构成层次分明、关联紧密的单元逻辑框架。确定单元主题意义,重点设计单元教学目标。教学过程是一个不断诊断学生、研究学生、作出调整的过程。教学设计前要充分了解学生的现状,认识学生的知识背景,为合理确定教学目标、设计教学过程提供依据。本堂课以讲好中国故事、提升民族自豪感以及科技创造美好生活为契机,通过一系列具有综合性、关联性的语言学习和思维活动,培养学生理解和表达的能力,帮助他们树立正确的世界观、人生观、不价值观。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  二、介绍为解决粮食问题作出突出贡献人物的相关事迹,学习其品质。三、报道并评价农业科技创新的新成就。四、与他人合作创作海报,介绍关于粮食问题已有的解决策略,呼吁大家共同行动。三、依据单元教学目标划分小单元教学目标,深入挖掘主题意义,确定单元整体目标后,围绕单元主题意义,梳理单元各篇章的核心育人价值,在看似独立的语篇内容之间建立有机关联。本单元中听力文本的主题是探讨世界饥饿问题,以听力文本为引领,引导学生了解本单元其他几个文本。阅读文本是关于中国对解决世界饥饿问题和发展生态农业所作出的贡献和努力。读写文本是关于化学耕作与有机耕作利弊的对比。 Workbook 中的听力文本和拓展阅读是关于农业科技创新方面的钟外成就。基于农业耕耘这一主题,在听说课的引领下对单元内容进行整合和重组,围绕主题划分为三个小单元。这三个小单元是听力文本所提及的解决世界饥饿问题和发展可持续生态农业的深入和延伸。推动学生加深对单元主题的认识。

  说话人 1

  小单元一, reading and thinking 杰出人物袁隆平的事迹品质和对你的启示普通人物李丹的事迹品质和对你的启示输出活动学生能简述袁隆平的事迹品质和对自己的启示。以 my food hero 为主题,讲述中国故事,袁隆平、李丹等解决世界饥饿问题的方法和原因。

  说话人 1

  小单元二, reading and writing 对科学可持续耕种方式有辩证的认识。 listening and speaking 介绍垂直农场的由来和效用,给予评价。介绍农业知识相关软件的由来和效用给予评价。基于 expanding your word 拓展阅读介绍其他农业科技创新,如无土栽培、机器人收割海水稻等输出活动。写作客学生能辩证分析有机和化学耕种方式,对可持续发展的理念有深入认识。听说课学生以 amazing achievement in agriculture 为主题进行新闻报道,宣传农业领域的科技创新,并给予评价。

  说话人 1

  小单元 3 video 从农业大学学习先进技术、拓展阅读光盘行动等补充材料,积累相关表达,再次思考自己能为解决粮食问题做些什么?输出活动以 our actions and our future 为主题,制作poster。将单元内容进行重组划分后,制定小单元的教学目标和分课时目标,每个小单元和课时目标的设计都要为达成单元整体目标服务,有机整合课程六要素,并根据实际降血需要有所侧重,避免脱离主题意义或碎片化的呈现方式。小单元一目标一梳理并分析世界饥饿问题的起因和解决方法。

  说话人 1

  二、介绍中国农业领域典型人物的贡献和品质。三、探究中国农业领域典型人物能够取得成就的原因。分课时目标一、获取并梳理导致世界饥饿问题的原因。归纳世界粮农组织提出的解决世界饥饿问题的措施,结合实际提出解决世界饥饿问题的可行措施。分课式目标二获取并梳理袁隆平的事迹信息,分析探讨袁隆平成为 Pioneer 的原因。归纳成为 pioneer 的条件和品质。以 my food hero 为题进行演讲。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  这里的教学活动我们设计为教学活动。一、教师利用图片导入话题,学生第一遍听对话,获取主旨信息,学生第二遍听对话,获取造成世界饥饿问题的原因教学活动。二、学生第三遍听对话,获取世界粮农组织对世界饥饿问题的建议和解决方案。学生对比本课引入部分加深自己对世界饥饿问题目前的应对措施的看法。教学活动三,学生分组讨论庆祝 word full day 可行的活动。学生代表在班内进行汇报,教师板书记录,并引导其他同学进行评价。学生了解小单元产出活动,以 my foothhair 为题,讲述中国故事的课后作业。阅读 workbook 中 greener and buy better leaves away from the city。

  说话人 1

  从互联网上了解中国农业领域其他突出的人物事迹,如贾斯谢、徐光启等。阅读课是有关袁隆平的事迹,学生对元老的了解普遍停留在新闻报道层面。对于元老为何能成就别人无法完成的事业,学生未曾深入了解。对于这样一个家喻户晓的伟人,认识尚且如此,更不必说其他在农业领域默默无闻的人物,如建设绿色新农村的有志青年李丹、在太行山上带领农民植树脱贫的教授李保国等。所以除课本的阅读文本,教师还要求学生进行课外拓展视野,了解更多的这样的人物,如东方甄选平台中英双语、腐语助农的带货教师董宇辉等。因此把小单元的输出活动设计为 my food hero 为题发表演讲。这样学生能深入挖掘这些人物的事迹和品质,也能培养学生的家国情怀和社会责任感,树立正确的偶像观和人生观。

  说话人 1

  以上的小单元课时的活动设计都从学习理解类活动到应用实践类活动,再到迁移创新类活动,层层递进,推动课时目标和小单元目标的实现,符合学生的认知规律。总之,在设计教学活动中,教师要以主题为统领,引导学生进行思维训练。在阅读活动中,可以让学生通过观察标题或者配图预测文本的内容。教师可以运用语篇分析手段,引导学生从语境、信息、结构等层面分析文本,理清文本内在的错综复杂的关系,并借助上下文语境推断语言表层结构下的深层意思以及作者的观点、态度和写作意图等。学生的批判性思维和创新思维也都在表达性任务中得到了锻炼。在学习语言知识时,教师不要忙于讲解,可以让学生自己探究在语篇中使用该语言知识时,对于丰富句意,实现得体表达的作用。领会语言知识可以深度通过设计发现式教学活动,引导学生既关注语法的结构形式,还要关注它的表意功能,并在语境的伯用中将 fomining use 有机结合在一起。

  说话人 1


  说话人 1

  听说、看,无论是听还是说和看,呈现的都是语言文字,但其背后则体现了人的思维。尤其是看这部分,作为新教材的一个特殊板块,体现新媒体时代语言学习运用的新途径。该板块具有一定的难度,是单元主题相关的拓展与深化,能激发学生的兴趣,开拓学生的文化视野。可以设计基本的教学步骤。 before you watch while you watch after you watch 三个阶段,帮助学生进一步深入理解文本主题,实现从知识到能力、从能力到素养的转化。

  说话人 1


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      01译林牛津高中英语B3U4 Unit4 Scientists who changed the world(Reading)教学视频, 第十三届高中英语全国杭州赛课

      说话人 1

      Okay, now boys and girls, are you ready for our class? Yes. So I'm sorry, I forgot there. Okay, so first of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Judy. I come from Anhui province and I'm very happy to come to Zhejiang with you. We are neighbors, right? Yes. And although I have been here for many times, I'm still impressed with these beautiful places and amazing people, right? So are there any famous people in Zhejiang, in Hangzhou? Can you give me some names? Famous food. Okay, this one. Oh, use a microphone.

      说话人 2

      For example, the famous. Poet called sudongpu.

      说话人 1

      Yeah sudongpu right okay standards anymore any other great people in hangzhou or zhejiang okay.

      说话人 3

      I know a businessman called yeah called Wu xuye.

      说话人 1

      Wu xueyan is very good. Okay, thank you. And today, actually, I want to introduce you to a very famous scientist who is also from Zhejiang. So let's see who she is. Okay, now she was born in Ningbo. Do you know who she is? No. And her discovery saved millions of people's lives and she won the Nobel Prize. So who knows who she is to Yoyo. Yeah, very good. Thank you. So she is to Yoyo.

      说话人 1

      And today we are going to read a news report about her. And when we are reading a news report, where do we start first? When you are reading a news report, where do you start first? We may start from there. Okay, now use the microphone. We may start from now.

      说话人 2

      We may start from the title.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. Okay, so let's have a look at the title. Okay, let's read it together. Okay, Chinese scientist went to go. Thank you. So what information can we get from this title? All the information, any volunteers? Okay, this boy, mo microphone.

      说话人 3

      The scientist is from China.

      说话人 1

      The scientist is from China, right? Very good. Anymore? Okay.

      说话人 2

      This trend sentence win the Nobel prize.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, she won the Nobel prize. Very good. Mo she.

      说话人 3

      Oh, scientist. The scientists win the Nobel prize in twen 2015.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. So from just now your answers, we can learn that we can know who, right, and where and what, and also maybe when, right, about this news report. But we don't know any exact information. So maybe we can guess in this news report what will be talked about. Okay, maybe it will tell us something about any volunteers according to the title. Okay, now this point.

      说话人 3

      Maybe introduce the scientist.

      说话人 1

      With the public. Yeah, maybe it will tell us who is this scientist. Very good. Anymore? Okay, let's go.

      说话人 3

      Maybe how the scientist make his discovery.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good point. Okay, okay. Maybe it will tell us how she made the discovery, right? Very good point. So now, shall we read the text to get to check if your prediction, your wonderful prediction, this information will be included. Okay, so now I want you to focus on paragraph 1 and then tell me what kind of information can we get from the first paragraph. Okay, can you find the answers to just now these questions? Okay, now let's see. So first one we can see to Yoyo, right? So here to you will tell us which one who. Yeah, very good. And then we will see what information you can.

      说话人 2

      Use the microphone. The p, people's Republic of China.

      说话人 1

      People's Republic of China. And it will tell us the information of his, her nationality. That is where. Right. Thank you. Very good. So go on anymore now you please. And then.

      说话人 3

      Her content contribution tier.

      说话人 1

      Her contribution to the fight against the malaria. Yeah, very good. So that will tell us the why, right? But before that, we still have one that is receive a Nobel Prize. This is about what? Yes, very good. And just now you say why, right? So you can see here from who, where, what, and why, we have got a general idea of this news report, right? So we can see this part may serve as a what to the news report. This part actually is a word to the news report. Okay, now you please.

      说话人 2

      Maybe this part is a general introduction.

      说话人 1

      Of. Yes, very good. Okay, so this is a general introduction, right? Actually, in a news report, this kind of introduction is called the lead, right? The lead. Very good. Okay, so maybe if we are short time, short of time, we may just stop here. But actually, you know, sometimes we want to know more, right? For example, just now you may wonder how she received the Nobel Prize, guys, right? So now we may come to go on reading and find more detailed information. And that part in the news report is called The Body. Yes. So now we will come to go on reading and find more details. So do you think Tuyo's research is very smooth, is very easy? Yes or no? Of course, no. Yeah, it is full of problems and they made their solutions. So now this time, I just want you to focus on paragraph 3,4, and 5. And then I want you to tell me what problem did to Yoyo and her team met with and how they solved these problems. Okay. Okay. Now here we go.

      说话人 1

      Paragraph 3,4, and 5.

      说话人 1

      You can underline these problems and their solutions. Yeah, very good.

      说话人 1

      Use a hand to underline the problems. Yes, yes, you are so quick. Still one that is here.

      说话人 1

      Oh, very good.

      说话人 1

      Abuse. How do they do?

      说话人 1

      Okay, so boys and girls, I'm happy to see most of you have got the right answer, right? So who can tell us what's the first problem? They met with one. Here's who's. What's the first problem? Be brave. Okay. Okay. Now this boy.

      说话人 2

      The first problem is that they fail to produce any promising resource. I do know.

      说话人 1

      The many are promising. Do you know the meaning?

      说话人 2

      You're changing that?

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. It means good or effective. Thank you. So that's very good. So the extracts failed to produce and promising results. So how did they solve this problem? Boys and girls, how do they solve the problem? Okay, that boy, thank you.

      说话人 4

      To referred to the, I think books of traditional Chinese medicines again. Yeah, inspired by an over 1,000 and 600 year old tax about preparing qinghao. Yes, extract with cold water to redecide the experiments and try to extracting the herb at a low temperature in order not to damage its expected.

      说话人 1

      Part. Yes. Okay, sounds very detailed answer, right? So we can say to you got inspiration from a very old text and then redesigned their experiments, right? So now the first problem has been overcome and then they met another problem. So what's it? Okay. Yeah, this girl.

      说话人 5

      It was hard to produce enough qinghao extract for large trails because research resources were.

      说话人 1

      Limit. Yeah, they cannot pro, okay, it's numbers. They cannot produce enough qinghao extract because they didn't have enough research resources, right? So this time, what did they do?

      说话人 2

      Okay, to, and her team managed to find solutions to the problem.

      说话人 1

      For example.

      说话人 3

      They used.

      说话人 2

      Household water container.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. Okay, stop this. They used the household or the containers, right, to extract herbs in large quantities. Now the second problem has been solved. So what's the next challenge of this girl, Zhang Youxi?

      说话人 6

      They did not have enough safety data yet, so they volunteer to test Qinghao Express on themselves.

      说话人 1

      First. Yes, very good. Okay, Samus, you get us both the problem and their solution. Thank, queue. So they didn't have enough safety data, so they managed to test the extract on themselves first. So can you imagine that? So when you are healthy, are you willing to test a new medicine by yourself? Are you? Maybe not, right. But to you did. Now let's watch a short video about how she did that. Okay.

      说话人 7

      Alarming. While some of them were cured, others were poisoned. Nobody could say whether the drug would be safe in humans. What happened next was a little unconventional scientifically. You see, two was so convinced that the extract would work that she volunteered to test it on herself. Knowing what was at stake, Kew went into hospital and over several days, doctors gradually increased the dose she took the extracts. She felt fine. But more importantly, they were monitoring her major organs, her heart, her liver, her kidneys, and they were fine, too. The test had worked. Few people are brave enough to risk their own lives in the hope of saving others.

      说话人 1

      Okay, so after watching the video, do you think it's easy to be a scientist? No, of course. So we can see that a scientist must have very great qualities. So now, boys and girls, I want you to read. I want you to go back to these three paragraphs, the information we just got. Right. And then tell me what qualities did to you show as a scientist during the process of her research. Okay, you can discuss with your deskmate. Okay, what qualities did she show as a scientist? You can give me some adjectives to describe her. Okay?

      说话人 1

      Okay. Now, boys and girls, do you want to share your opinions? So what quality of dishes? Okay, this girl use a microphone.

      说话人 8

      I think to you, is devoted, brave and intelligent.

      说话人 1

      Very good. She is devoted, brave and intelligent. Very good. Thank you. So any different ideas? Okay. Okay.

      说话人 3

      She is hardworking and never give up.

      说话人 1

      She is hard working and never give up. Okay, Thomas, we can say she's hard working and about never give up. Can we use another word? We can use an adjective. Do you know? Can say she's okay, not this boy.

      说话人 2

      Maybe we can say she is persistent.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. Okay, sometimes she is persistent. She never gives up, right? Okay, so anymore.

      说话人 2

      Definitely, I think it's sympastic.

      说话人 1

      She is sympastic. Sympathetic, you mean? Okay, sympathy, never mind sympathetic. Okay. And this boy.

      说话人 3

      I think she has a responsibility of saving human.

      说话人 1

      She has responsibility, right? That's to say she's a responsible. Yeah, very good. Thank you. So she's sympathetic and responsible. Okay, you have got a lot of words, Emma.

      说话人 2

      Okay. This boy, the courage of taking risk. She has the courage of taking risks. She.

      说话人 1

      Has the courage to take risks. That's to say she's courageous, right? Okay. Sometimes she's courageous. I'm sorry. So anymore, you know, she risked her own life to save others. She risked her own life to save others. That's to say.

      说话人 3


      说话人 1

      Selfless. Selfish or selfless? Very good. Okay. Selfless. She's selfless. Wow, you have got so many good words. I think your answers are better than mine. Okay, I think she's patient, determined, creative, hard working, courageous, selfless, and confident. Okay, I think you have done a good job. Clap hands for yourself. Okay, my hands for yourself.

      说话人 1

      Okay, so from this, we can know that no wonder to you made a great discovery, right? But up to now, we just know that she has got the, she has discovered qinhausu. We don't know how important Qinghao Su is, right? So maybe it's time for us to go to next part, paragraph 6.

      说话人 1

      Now here we comes to the tale of this news report. And actually, in paragraph 6, there is one number, a number that can tell us the importance of her discovery. Can you help me find the number? A number can tell us. Okay, if you found the number, you can raise. Okay, therefore, you. Okay, use the microphone. 200 million. Yes, thank you. Very good. So this word can tell us her discovery saved a lot of people's lives, right?

      说话人 1

      And just now when we were reading paragraph 3, there are also some numbers now. Let's have a look at it. Here are also some numbers, right? Let's read these numbers together. Okay, now, 2,000. Let's read it together. 2 thousand, go on hundreds of 1,000 and 600 year old and 190. So now compare these two groups of numbers. Can you tell me, what can we learn from these numbers?

      说话人 1

      According to your understanding, what can we learn from these numbers?

      说话人 8

      Okay, I cannot tell you. Is very the patient and hard working.

      说话人 1

      She is very patient and hard working. Yes. And very the intelligent, devoted. Yeah, very good. So these are the qualities we just discovered. So any other volunteers, different opinions, compare the two groups of numbers. She made so many and then she, okay, now this girl have a try.

      说话人 5

      These numbers can tell us made a lot of effort.

      说话人 1

      Very good. She made a lot of efforts and.

      说话人 5

      Then she finally succeeded.

      说话人 1

      Yes, very good. Thank you. So she made a lot of efforts. That's why she finally succeeded. Yeah, very good. So maybe we don't, we cannot feel too much about these numbers because there are no malaria patients in our lives, right? But actually in this world, it's, especially in Africa, there are many malaria patients. Just imagine, you were there. You have no food, you have no money, no medicine. No one can help you. So how do you feel? Hopeless. Yes, very good.

      说话人 1

      So this time when Tuyo and her discovery came to this area. So you can imagine how important her discovery is, what her discovery means to the of African people, right? Okay, so maybe we can draw a conclusion that is now who can help us finish this sentence. That is okay.

      说话人 3

      Although the process of discovering qinghao Su is difficult.

      说话人 1

      It is a helpful journey. Yes. Okay, sounds good. Thank you. Very good. Anyone? It is a helpful journey. In other words, you can use to finish to complete this sentence. How about you?

      说话人 2

      Although the process of discovering qinhausu is abundant and promising. It is a adventurous journey.

      说话人 1

      Wow, very good answer. Okay, Samus. It is a very adventurous journey. Yes, from another aspect, right? So we can, your answers are all very reasonable. And I think we can also say, although this process is difficult cut, it is a rewarding or meaningful journey, right? Yes. Okay. So, you know, the more we know about her, the more respect we have for her, right? And today, I think we can have a chance to show our respect, to give us sincere tribute to her. So now, group leaders, I want you to take out your handout and then have a look at the tasks you have to complete. And now students with Task a, just suppose you are to Yoyo and what do you want to talk to the young students and students with task B? So you are a young student. If you had a chance, what would you tell to you? Okay, so now you can work in groups. You can move your chairs. Okay, move your chairs and work in a group. Okay, move your chairs. Yes. Okay. Now you you can move your chairs here. Now. Oh, here, right? Who will choose here?

      说话人 1

      Okay, so these tips are just my suggestions. You can also have your own ideas. Okay, made up. Need to write about something.

      说话人 3

      That's perfect here. You don't need to run.

      说话人 1


      说话人 3

      Very good.

      说话人 1

      A brilliant.

      说话人 1


      说话人 1

      Sacrifice. That is also important. A keyword, right?

      说话人 1


      说话人 1

      We almost ready? Okay, boys and girls, one more minutes. Okay, clear.

      说话人 1

      You are a large group, right? Let's see how very good their girlfriend position.

      说话人 1

      Okay, so we're almost longer time. Okay. Okay. So boys and girls, so are you ready now? Yes. Okay. So any volunteers, we will invite one group with task a and one group with task B. Okay, I want to see. So who wants to come here? Okay, now your group, your task a. Okay, so we still have got a group with task B. Okay, you come here first. So task. Okay, that group. Thank you. So let's welcome. Okay, so let's welcome boys and girls. Okay. Alright, so we will start from to Yoyo. Okay, so let's just watch.

      说话人 2

      Okay, good morning, dear students. I'm Tu Yoyo. I'm delighted to convey my heartfilled feelings and expectations to young students. Even though lots of progress I have made, I once faced lots of difficulties. For example, I once failed to produce any, I once fail to produce any promising results. But however, despite countless difficulties I have met, I made up my mind and finally made this progress. Therefore, I hope that you young students should be patriotic and persistence having thus courage to sacrifice ourselves to make contributions to the country, the mankind and the world. If you still need my wishes, then I would say surge on new waves as we are on the same surging river.

      说话人 1

      Very good. Okay, so excellent performance. And now let's just hear what the young student will respond. Okay, you can go back to your senior. So young student, it's your turn.

      说话人 6

      Good morning, Mrs. Too. It's my great honor to talk to you after reading your stories, I feel a strong sense of great honor. And I think you're a very great scientist, which has saved hundreds of lives around the world. You are a very great scientist and you are creative. You risk your lives to save others. You have the courage and you are responsible to treat the patients. As a teenager, you set a good example for us and encourage us to work for our nation. And we should not only take responsible for the tasks, but also focus on the abroad and home.

      说话人 1

      Okay, thank you. Okay, so I think in such a short time, you really done a very good job, right? So thank you, boys. And you're, thank you for your wonderful work. And we know Tuyou is a very great Chinese scientist, right? But actually, is she the only one? Of course not. So do you know any other great Chinese scientist? Do you know?

      说话人 1

      Chinese scientist okay get boy 杨振宁 very good anymore okay 邓稼先, yes very good okay this boy。

      说话人 3


      说话人 1

      钟南山 of course and okay 詹天佑and。 Li Zhengdao. Yes, very good. Okay, Xiaomei, I think we have a lot of great Chinese scientists, right? So now here, I want to ask you a question to be Frank, do you want to be one of them in the future? To be Frank, do you want to be one of them in the future? Okay, so do you want to be one? Of course. Yes, of course. Yes.

      说话人 2

      I don't. I don't think I have the ability.

      说话人 1

      I believe you have. You must be confident in yourself. Okay, so how about this boy.

      说话人 3

      Of all? Of course, yes. If I have the chance, I will try to be one of them.

      说话人 1

      Yes, thank you. Okay, sounds. So we can see that toyoyo and these great Chinese scientists, they are all, they are really good examples, right? So maybe not every one of us can be a great scientist in the future, but I think all of us can pursue our dream.

      说话人 1

      Now. You help me finish this sentence. Use your own understanding. Okay, so what's your answer to these three blanks? We can pursue our dream with. You can say anything you want to say. Okay, how about this girl?

      说话人 6

      Not every one of us can be a scientist, but all of us can pursue our dream with our nation and our maybe on what we like and talk with our parents. Maybe they said a good example for.

      说话人 1

      Us. Yes, talk with our parents. Okay, thank you. Okay, so different ideas. How about.

      说话人 5

      You? Not every one of us can be a scientist, but all of us can pursue our dream with Chris courage n with responsibility and great effort.

      说话人 1

      Courage, responsibility and great courage, right? Very good. And okay. This boy.

      说话人 3

      Not everyone of us can be a scientist, but all of us can pursue our dreams with passion, determination, and 99% of.

      说话人 1

      Passion and efforts and determination. Yes, very good. So anymore, etc.

      说话人 8

      Not everyone one of us can be a scientist, but all of us can pressure our dream with intelligent encouragement and hard working.

      说话人 1

      Intelligence encouragements and hard work. Yes. Okay, it's not place. So I think all of your answers are very great and I think they can be included in three aspects. Do you agree? So we can pursue our dream with first, we have to have correct values and attitudes, right? And then we have to have these indispensable qualities such as determination, persistence, right? And finally, we need to have their key abilities.

      说话人 1

      Do you agree? Yes. Okay. So in today's class, we have Learned a news report about Yoyo. So we have Learned the structure of a news report. We have Learned the process of her research, and we have also understood the great qualities to be a scientist. And finally, we knew what we should do in the future, right? To pursue our dreams.

      说话人 1

      Okay, and for today's homework, I want you to write a news report about your favorite scientist, Chinese scientist, just according to the structure of a news report, of course, by. And if possible, I want you to get to know more about Chinese scientists, because they are really worth our respect. Do you think so? Yes. Okay, so much for today's class. Thank you very much for your wonderful performance and thank you for your cooperation. Thank you. And boys and girls, let's just stand up and show our sex to all the teachers. Okay? Okay, thank you. Okay. Okay, class is over. Thank.

      说话人 1


      说话人 9

      各位老师大家早上好,非常荣幸能够参加我们的活动,作为第一位这个点评人哈,也真的非常非常的荣幸哈,也非常的开心,刚才和大家一起看了这个向老师的一节非常精彩的课,因为我和胡老师一共有 10 分钟的点评的时间,所以我就这个抓紧时间,留更多的时间给胡老师哈。

      说话人 9


      说话人 9


      说话人 9

      那么第三点大家如果回忆一下,应该能够感受到向老师的课中也是很好地践行了我们英语学习活动观的理念,从学习理解的层次到这个应用实践的层次,特别是刚才向老师所设计的这个,就是两个 task 的这个活动,一个孩子他是这个扮演屠呦呦的角色,对吧?那么我们想,那么这个孩子说的话,对吧?比如说我是屠呦呦,中哈,我这个在这个发现这个青蒿素的过程中,我遇到了什么困难等等,这些话其实都是课文中的,对吧?这就是学生在这个参与这个活动中,他在去滚动内化课文中所需的学到的这个语言哈。

      说话人 9


      说话人 9


      说话人 9

      当然这里有一点点小小的建议,就是引出屠呦呦之后顺着就应该带出来这个,比如说疟疾,对不对?青蒿素这些,因为这里面课文中有相应的这个语言,对吧?所以在情境中这些词就出来了,所以这一点是一点小小的建议。那最后一点就是我觉得老师也是很好的,在课堂中体现了我们多模态教学的一个很好的特点哈。我觉得那个视频的这个在这里的使用也是很恰如好处的,和这个学生所理解的文本的内容也做到了很好的融合。哈,那最后还有一点小小的建议,就是我们在课堂教学中,比如说我们给学生一点时间,他去读,获取了信息之后,你可以给他一份一分钟在小组内稍稍的 share 一下。当然这因为是展示课,为什么要一定要有这 1 到 2 分钟小组内share,然后在全班分享的这样的一个步骤,就是因为我们的学生他是参差不齐的,我们希望能够通过这一两分钟小组内的share,能够给不同的学生来搭建支架,帮助不同的学生都能去度过他的这个ZPD,所以这是一点建议哈。感谢向老师的分享。

      说话人 10

      谢谢向老师今天给我们提供了一节让我们耳目一新的这种高中英语课堂教学的展示。刚才孙老师我们这个给你点评意见,我非常赞同啊。我在这节课上我们看到了什么?我们看到我们老师的整个的教学的流程,从我们熟悉的人 to 悠悠。其实他刚才讲最初开始他是从我们深熟悉的人到故事中的人,再回归了自我。前面圣人开场的时候讲到我们杭州有哪些名人,到了我们宁波的名人屠呦呦。屠呦呦不仅是身边人,更是故事中的人。

      说话人 10

      老师最后的结尾又回到了我们自己,我们学生的自我,我们应该怎么做?我觉得这整个的流程从身边到故事,再回到身边,这个过程非常流畅,我觉得设计得非常合理,在整个教学的过程当中,它还是体现了我们是一节语言课,通过阅读,尤其是重要语不断的阅读。我们第一段、第三段、第五段、 35 段以及第六段这些关键语段的阅读,获取关键信息。

      说话人 10

      在这个信息通过我们的梳理,我们的分析让我进行概述,概述屠呦呦作为一个科学家的优良的品质,作为科学探界过程当中的那种坚韧不拔的精神,我觉得在这一点上老师们非常做得非常好。我们不是德育课,但是我们是通过语言学习,一定要探究到这个语篇所给我们学生成长带来的意义。因此采取了后面的两个 task 学生精彩的表现。

      说话人 10


      说话人 10


      说话人 10

      唉,其实刚才孙教授也谈到这节课,我总想说读书读的不够,后来才想就 35 分钟,它不正常的时间。因为我们希望展示更多的课,所以龚老师在前面说,今天展示的不一定都是课堂上真实的,我们课堂真实至少是 40 分钟或者 45 分钟,所以今天阅读的时间总觉得还是稍微少了一点,但不错,我觉得我们老师在关键语段上面还是给了学生创作的时间的,这一点我们觉得,比方说第二段我们没有怎么读,是不是为什么不读英文?那一段讲屠呦呦的出生,他的教学的经历,这一块没有人没有花时间去读,但并不是这段不重要,我相信平时教育学的过程中应该会去读。

      说话人 10

      所以 b 号侧在读第六段的时候稍微匆忙了一点点,就因为我估计时间也不够,赶快把那个 200 万的时间弄出来,然后把那个我就觉得这地方可能还是有些遗憾呐,就是说我这种,我们觉得这没关系,我想我们今天的展示是把我们的教学过程当中那些关键的东西,嗯,我们重要的东西展示出来,可能有些环节可能我们因为大会这种赛展示制作的原因,可能有些东西可能做的不太够,但是我现在今天向老师还有一个亮点,就是说我们还是特别注重以学生为中心的。

      说话人 10

      在学生为中心这个体现在第一个是学生读书,第二个也期待学生思考、学生在讨论、学生在展示,像这些活动在本三本节课的 35 分当中占出了大量的时间。我觉得在学习过程当中老师有引领,更多的是老学生在老师的引领下有了充足的表现,有了学习,有了提高,有了感悟,有了表达。好,谢谢向老师。

  • 阅读

      01译林牛津高中英语B3U4 Unit4 Scientists who changed the world(Reading)教学视频, 第十三届高中英语全国杭州赛课

      说话人 1

      Okay, now boys and girls, are you ready for our class? Yes. So I'm sorry, I forgot there. Okay, so first of all, let me introduce myself. I'm Judy. I come from Anhui province and I'm very happy to come to Zhejiang with you. We are neighbors, right? Yes. And although I have been here for many times, I'm still impressed with these beautiful places and amazing people, right? So are there any famous people in Zhejiang, in Hangzhou? Can you give me some names? Famous food. Okay, this one. Oh, use a microphone.

      说话人 2

      For example, the famous. Poet called sudongpu.

      说话人 1

      Yeah sudongpu right okay standards anymore any other great people in hangzhou or zhejiang okay.

      说话人 3

      I know a businessman called yeah called Wu xuye.

      说话人 1

      Wu xueyan is very good. Okay, thank you. And today, actually, I want to introduce you to a very famous scientist who is also from Zhejiang. So let's see who she is. Okay, now she was born in Ningbo. Do you know who she is? No. And her discovery saved millions of people's lives and she won the Nobel Prize. So who knows who she is to Yoyo. Yeah, very good. Thank you. So she is to Yoyo.

      说话人 1

      And today we are going to read a news report about her. And when we are reading a news report, where do we start first? When you are reading a news report, where do you start first? We may start from there. Okay, now use the microphone. We may start from now.

      说话人 2

      We may start from the title.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. Okay, so let's have a look at the title. Okay, let's read it together. Okay, Chinese scientist went to go. Thank you. So what information can we get from this title? All the information, any volunteers? Okay, this boy, mo microphone.

      说话人 3

      The scientist is from China.

      说话人 1

      The scientist is from China, right? Very good. Anymore? Okay.

      说话人 2

      This trend sentence win the Nobel prize.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, she won the Nobel prize. Very good. Mo she.

      说话人 3

      Oh, scientist. The scientists win the Nobel prize in twen 2015.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. So from just now your answers, we can learn that we can know who, right, and where and what, and also maybe when, right, about this news report. But we don't know any exact information. So maybe we can guess in this news report what will be talked about. Okay, maybe it will tell us something about any volunteers according to the title. Okay, now this point.

      说话人 3

      Maybe introduce the scientist.

      说话人 1

      With the public. Yeah, maybe it will tell us who is this scientist. Very good. Anymore? Okay, let's go.

      说话人 3

      Maybe how the scientist make his discovery.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good point. Okay, okay. Maybe it will tell us how she made the discovery, right? Very good point. So now, shall we read the text to get to check if your prediction, your wonderful prediction, this information will be included. Okay, so now I want you to focus on paragraph 1 and then tell me what kind of information can we get from the first paragraph. Okay, can you find the answers to just now these questions? Okay, now let's see. So first one we can see to Yoyo, right? So here to you will tell us which one who. Yeah, very good. And then we will see what information you can.

      说话人 2

      Use the microphone. The p, people's Republic of China.

      说话人 1

      People's Republic of China. And it will tell us the information of his, her nationality. That is where. Right. Thank you. Very good. So go on anymore now you please. And then.

      说话人 3

      Her content contribution tier.

      说话人 1

      Her contribution to the fight against the malaria. Yeah, very good. So that will tell us the why, right? But before that, we still have one that is receive a Nobel Prize. This is about what? Yes, very good. And just now you say why, right? So you can see here from who, where, what, and why, we have got a general idea of this news report, right? So we can see this part may serve as a what to the news report. This part actually is a word to the news report. Okay, now you please.

      说话人 2

      Maybe this part is a general introduction.

      说话人 1

      Of. Yes, very good. Okay, so this is a general introduction, right? Actually, in a news report, this kind of introduction is called the lead, right? The lead. Very good. Okay, so maybe if we are short time, short of time, we may just stop here. But actually, you know, sometimes we want to know more, right? For example, just now you may wonder how she received the Nobel Prize, guys, right? So now we may come to go on reading and find more detailed information. And that part in the news report is called The Body. Yes. So now we will come to go on reading and find more details. So do you think Tuyo's research is very smooth, is very easy? Yes or no? Of course, no. Yeah, it is full of problems and they made their solutions. So now this time, I just want you to focus on paragraph 3,4, and 5. And then I want you to tell me what problem did to Yoyo and her team met with and how they solved these problems. Okay. Okay. Now here we go.

      说话人 1

      Paragraph 3,4, and 5.

      说话人 1

      You can underline these problems and their solutions. Yeah, very good.

      说话人 1

      Use a hand to underline the problems. Yes, yes, you are so quick. Still one that is here.

      说话人 1

      Oh, very good.

      说话人 1

      Abuse. How do they do?

      说话人 1

      Okay, so boys and girls, I'm happy to see most of you have got the right answer, right? So who can tell us what's the first problem? They met with one. Here's who's. What's the first problem? Be brave. Okay. Okay. Now this boy.

      说话人 2

      The first problem is that they fail to produce any promising resource. I do know.

      说话人 1

      The many are promising. Do you know the meaning?

      说话人 2

      You're changing that?

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. It means good or effective. Thank you. So that's very good. So the extracts failed to produce and promising results. So how did they solve this problem? Boys and girls, how do they solve the problem? Okay, that boy, thank you.

      说话人 4

      To referred to the, I think books of traditional Chinese medicines again. Yeah, inspired by an over 1,000 and 600 year old tax about preparing qinghao. Yes, extract with cold water to redecide the experiments and try to extracting the herb at a low temperature in order not to damage its expected.

      说话人 1

      Part. Yes. Okay, sounds very detailed answer, right? So we can say to you got inspiration from a very old text and then redesigned their experiments, right? So now the first problem has been overcome and then they met another problem. So what's it? Okay. Yeah, this girl.

      说话人 5

      It was hard to produce enough qinghao extract for large trails because research resources were.

      说话人 1

      Limit. Yeah, they cannot pro, okay, it's numbers. They cannot produce enough qinghao extract because they didn't have enough research resources, right? So this time, what did they do?

      说话人 2

      Okay, to, and her team managed to find solutions to the problem.

      说话人 1

      For example.

      说话人 3

      They used.

      说话人 2

      Household water container.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. Okay, stop this. They used the household or the containers, right, to extract herbs in large quantities. Now the second problem has been solved. So what's the next challenge of this girl, Zhang Youxi?

      说话人 6

      They did not have enough safety data yet, so they volunteer to test Qinghao Express on themselves.

      说话人 1

      First. Yes, very good. Okay, Samus, you get us both the problem and their solution. Thank, queue. So they didn't have enough safety data, so they managed to test the extract on themselves first. So can you imagine that? So when you are healthy, are you willing to test a new medicine by yourself? Are you? Maybe not, right. But to you did. Now let's watch a short video about how she did that. Okay.

      说话人 7

      Alarming. While some of them were cured, others were poisoned. Nobody could say whether the drug would be safe in humans. What happened next was a little unconventional scientifically. You see, two was so convinced that the extract would work that she volunteered to test it on herself. Knowing what was at stake, Kew went into hospital and over several days, doctors gradually increased the dose she took the extracts. She felt fine. But more importantly, they were monitoring her major organs, her heart, her liver, her kidneys, and they were fine, too. The test had worked. Few people are brave enough to risk their own lives in the hope of saving others.

      说话人 1

      Okay, so after watching the video, do you think it's easy to be a scientist? No, of course. So we can see that a scientist must have very great qualities. So now, boys and girls, I want you to read. I want you to go back to these three paragraphs, the information we just got. Right. And then tell me what qualities did to you show as a scientist during the process of her research. Okay, you can discuss with your deskmate. Okay, what qualities did she show as a scientist? You can give me some adjectives to describe her. Okay?

      说话人 1

      Okay. Now, boys and girls, do you want to share your opinions? So what quality of dishes? Okay, this girl use a microphone.

      说话人 8

      I think to you, is devoted, brave and intelligent.

      说话人 1

      Very good. She is devoted, brave and intelligent. Very good. Thank you. So any different ideas? Okay. Okay.

      说话人 3

      She is hardworking and never give up.

      说话人 1

      She is hard working and never give up. Okay, Thomas, we can say she's hard working and about never give up. Can we use another word? We can use an adjective. Do you know? Can say she's okay, not this boy.

      说话人 2

      Maybe we can say she is persistent.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, very good. Okay, sometimes she is persistent. She never gives up, right? Okay, so anymore.

      说话人 2

      Definitely, I think it's sympastic.

      说话人 1

      She is sympastic. Sympathetic, you mean? Okay, sympathy, never mind sympathetic. Okay. And this boy.

      说话人 3

      I think she has a responsibility of saving human.

      说话人 1

      She has responsibility, right? That's to say she's a responsible. Yeah, very good. Thank you. So she's sympathetic and responsible. Okay, you have got a lot of words, Emma.

      说话人 2

      Okay. This boy, the courage of taking risk. She has the courage of taking risks. She.

      说话人 1

      Has the courage to take risks. That's to say she's courageous, right? Okay. Sometimes she's courageous. I'm sorry. So anymore, you know, she risked her own life to save others. She risked her own life to save others. That's to say.

      说话人 3


      说话人 1

      Selfless. Selfish or selfless? Very good. Okay. Selfless. She's selfless. Wow, you have got so many good words. I think your answers are better than mine. Okay, I think she's patient, determined, creative, hard working, courageous, selfless, and confident. Okay, I think you have done a good job. Clap hands for yourself. Okay, my hands for yourself.

      说话人 1

      Okay, so from this, we can know that no wonder to you made a great discovery, right? But up to now, we just know that she has got the, she has discovered qinhausu. We don't know how important Qinghao Su is, right? So maybe it's time for us to go to next part, paragraph 6.

      说话人 1

      Now here we comes to the tale of this news report. And actually, in paragraph 6, there is one number, a number that can tell us the importance of her discovery. Can you help me find the number? A number can tell us. Okay, if you found the number, you can raise. Okay, therefore, you. Okay, use the microphone. 200 million. Yes, thank you. Very good. So this word can tell us her discovery saved a lot of people's lives, right?

      说话人 1

      And just now when we were reading paragraph 3, there are also some numbers now. Let's have a look at it. Here are also some numbers, right? Let's read these numbers together. Okay, now, 2,000. Let's read it together. 2 thousand, go on hundreds of 1,000 and 600 year old and 190. So now compare these two groups of numbers. Can you tell me, what can we learn from these numbers?

      说话人 1

      According to your understanding, what can we learn from these numbers?

      说话人 8

      Okay, I cannot tell you. Is very the patient and hard working.

      说话人 1

      She is very patient and hard working. Yes. And very the intelligent, devoted. Yeah, very good. So these are the qualities we just discovered. So any other volunteers, different opinions, compare the two groups of numbers. She made so many and then she, okay, now this girl have a try.

      说话人 5

      These numbers can tell us made a lot of effort.

      说话人 1

      Very good. She made a lot of efforts and.

      说话人 5

      Then she finally succeeded.

      说话人 1

      Yes, very good. Thank you. So she made a lot of efforts. That's why she finally succeeded. Yeah, very good. So maybe we don't, we cannot feel too much about these numbers because there are no malaria patients in our lives, right? But actually in this world, it's, especially in Africa, there are many malaria patients. Just imagine, you were there. You have no food, you have no money, no medicine. No one can help you. So how do you feel? Hopeless. Yes, very good.

      说话人 1

      So this time when Tuyo and her discovery came to this area. So you can imagine how important her discovery is, what her discovery means to the of African people, right? Okay, so maybe we can draw a conclusion that is now who can help us finish this sentence. That is okay.

      说话人 3

      Although the process of discovering qinghao Su is difficult.

      说话人 1

      It is a helpful journey. Yes. Okay, sounds good. Thank you. Very good. Anyone? It is a helpful journey. In other words, you can use to finish to complete this sentence. How about you?

      说话人 2

      Although the process of discovering qinhausu is abundant and promising. It is a adventurous journey.

      说话人 1

      Wow, very good answer. Okay, Samus. It is a very adventurous journey. Yes, from another aspect, right? So we can, your answers are all very reasonable. And I think we can also say, although this process is difficult cut, it is a rewarding or meaningful journey, right? Yes. Okay. So, you know, the more we know about her, the more respect we have for her, right? And today, I think we can have a chance to show our respect, to give us sincere tribute to her. So now, group leaders, I want you to take out your handout and then have a look at the tasks you have to complete. And now students with Task a, just suppose you are to Yoyo and what do you want to talk to the young students and students with task B? So you are a young student. If you had a chance, what would you tell to you? Okay, so now you can work in groups. You can move your chairs. Okay, move your chairs and work in a group. Okay, move your chairs. Yes. Okay. Now you you can move your chairs here. Now. Oh, here, right? Who will choose here?

      说话人 1

      Okay, so these tips are just my suggestions. You can also have your own ideas. Okay, made up. Need to write about something.

      说话人 3

      That's perfect here. You don't need to run.

      说话人 1


      说话人 3

      Very good.

      说话人 1

      A brilliant.

      说话人 1


      说话人 1

      Sacrifice. That is also important. A keyword, right?

      说话人 1


      说话人 1

      We almost ready? Okay, boys and girls, one more minutes. Okay, clear.

      说话人 1

      You are a large group, right? Let's see how very good their girlfriend position.

      说话人 1

      Okay, so we're almost longer time. Okay. Okay. So boys and girls, so are you ready now? Yes. Okay. So any volunteers, we will invite one group with task a and one group with task B. Okay, I want to see. So who wants to come here? Okay, now your group, your task a. Okay, so we still have got a group with task B. Okay, you come here first. So task. Okay, that group. Thank you. So let's welcome. Okay, so let's welcome boys and girls. Okay. Alright, so we will start from to Yoyo. Okay, so let's just watch.

      说话人 2

      Okay, good morning, dear students. I'm Tu Yoyo. I'm delighted to convey my heartfilled feelings and expectations to young students. Even though lots of progress I have made, I once faced lots of difficulties. For example, I once failed to produce any, I once fail to produce any promising results. But however, despite countless difficulties I have met, I made up my mind and finally made this progress. Therefore, I hope that you young students should be patriotic and persistence having thus courage to sacrifice ourselves to make contributions to the country, the mankind and the world. If you still need my wishes, then I would say surge on new waves as we are on the same surging river.

      说话人 1

      Very good. Okay, so excellent performance. And now let's just hear what the young student will respond. Okay, you can go back to your senior. So young student, it's your turn.

      说话人 6

      Good morning, Mrs. Too. It's my great honor to talk to you after reading your stories, I feel a strong sense of great honor. And I think you're a very great scientist, which has saved hundreds of lives around the world. You are a very great scientist and you are creative. You risk your lives to save others. You have the courage and you are responsible to treat the patients. As a teenager, you set a good example for us and encourage us to work for our nation. And we should not only take responsible for the tasks, but also focus on the abroad and home.

      说话人 1

      Okay, thank you. Okay, so I think in such a short time, you really done a very good job, right? So thank you, boys. And you're, thank you for your wonderful work. And we know Tuyou is a very great Chinese scientist, right? But actually, is she the only one? Of course not. So do you know any other great Chinese scientist? Do you know?

      说话人 1

      Chinese scientist okay get boy 杨振宁 very good anymore okay 邓稼先, yes very good okay this boy。

      说话人 3


      说话人 1

      钟南山 of course and okay 詹天佑and。 Li Zhengdao. Yes, very good. Okay, Xiaomei, I think we have a lot of great Chinese scientists, right? So now here, I want to ask you a question to be Frank, do you want to be one of them in the future? To be Frank, do you want to be one of them in the future? Okay, so do you want to be one? Of course. Yes, of course. Yes.

      说话人 2

      I don't. I don't think I have the ability.

      说话人 1

      I believe you have. You must be confident in yourself. Okay, so how about this boy.

      说话人 3

      Of all? Of course, yes. If I have the chance, I will try to be one of them.

      说话人 1

      Yes, thank you. Okay, sounds. So we can see that toyoyo and these great Chinese scientists, they are all, they are really good examples, right? So maybe not every one of us can be a great scientist in the future, but I think all of us can pursue our dream.

      说话人 1

      Now. You help me finish this sentence. Use your own understanding. Okay, so what's your answer to these three blanks? We can pursue our dream with. You can say anything you want to say. Okay, how about this girl?

      说话人 6

      Not every one of us can be a scientist, but all of us can pursue our dream with our nation and our maybe on what we like and talk with our parents. Maybe they said a good example for.

      说话人 1

      Us. Yes, talk with our parents. Okay, thank you. Okay, so different ideas. How about.

      说话人 5

      You? Not every one of us can be a scientist, but all of us can pursue our dream with Chris courage n with responsibility and great effort.

      说话人 1

      Courage, responsibility and great courage, right? Very good. And okay. This boy.

      说话人 3

      Not everyone of us can be a scientist, but all of us can pursue our dreams with passion, determination, and 99% of.

      说话人 1

      Passion and efforts and determination. Yes, very good. So anymore, etc.

      说话人 8

      Not everyone one of us can be a scientist, but all of us can pressure our dream with intelligent encouragement and hard working.

      说话人 1

      Intelligence encouragements and hard work. Yes. Okay, it's not place. So I think all of your answers are very great and I think they can be included in three aspects. Do you agree? So we can pursue our dream with first, we have to have correct values and attitudes, right? And then we have to have these indispensable qualities such as determination, persistence, right? And finally, we need to have their key abilities.

      说话人 1

      Do you agree? Yes. Okay. So in today's class, we have Learned a news report about Yoyo. So we have Learned the structure of a news report. We have Learned the process of her research, and we have also understood the great qualities to be a scientist. And finally, we knew what we should do in the future, right? To pursue our dreams.

      说话人 1

      Okay, and for today's homework, I want you to write a news report about your favorite scientist, Chinese scientist, just according to the structure of a news report, of course, by. And if possible, I want you to get to know more about Chinese scientists, because they are really worth our respect. Do you think so? Yes. Okay, so much for today's class. Thank you very much for your wonderful performance and thank you for your cooperation. Thank you. And boys and girls, let's just stand up and show our sex to all the teachers. Okay? Okay, thank you. Okay. Okay, class is over. Thank.

      说话人 1


      说话人 9

      各位老师大家早上好,非常荣幸能够参加我们的活动,作为第一位这个点评人哈,也真的非常非常的荣幸哈,也非常的开心,刚才和大家一起看了这个向老师的一节非常精彩的课,因为我和胡老师一共有 10 分钟的点评的时间,所以我就这个抓紧时间,留更多的时间给胡老师哈。

      说话人 9


      说话人 9


      说话人 9

      那么第三点大家如果回忆一下,应该能够感受到向老师的课中也是很好地践行了我们英语学习活动观的理念,从学习理解的层次到这个应用实践的层次,特别是刚才向老师所设计的这个,就是两个 task 的这个活动,一个孩子他是这个扮演屠呦呦的角色,对吧?那么我们想,那么这个孩子说的话,对吧?比如说我是屠呦呦,中哈,我这个在这个发现这个青蒿素的过程中,我遇到了什么困难等等,这些话其实都是课文中的,对吧?这就是学生在这个参与这个活动中,他在去滚动内化课文中所需的学到的这个语言哈。

      说话人 9


      说话人 9


      说话人 9

      当然这里有一点点小小的建议,就是引出屠呦呦之后顺着就应该带出来这个,比如说疟疾,对不对?青蒿素这些,因为这里面课文中有相应的这个语言,对吧?所以在情境中这些词就出来了,所以这一点是一点小小的建议。那最后一点就是我觉得老师也是很好的,在课堂中体现了我们多模态教学的一个很好的特点哈。我觉得那个视频的这个在这里的使用也是很恰如好处的,和这个学生所理解的文本的内容也做到了很好的融合。哈,那最后还有一点小小的建议,就是我们在课堂教学中,比如说我们给学生一点时间,他去读,获取了信息之后,你可以给他一份一分钟在小组内稍稍的 share 一下。当然这因为是展示课,为什么要一定要有这 1 到 2 分钟小组内share,然后在全班分享的这样的一个步骤,就是因为我们的学生他是参差不齐的,我们希望能够通过这一两分钟小组内的share,能够给不同的学生来搭建支架,帮助不同的学生都能去度过他的这个ZPD,所以这是一点建议哈。感谢向老师的分享。

      说话人 10

      谢谢向老师今天给我们提供了一节让我们耳目一新的这种高中英语课堂教学的展示。刚才孙老师我们这个给你点评意见,我非常赞同啊。我在这节课上我们看到了什么?我们看到我们老师的整个的教学的流程,从我们熟悉的人 to 悠悠。其实他刚才讲最初开始他是从我们深熟悉的人到故事中的人,再回归了自我。前面圣人开场的时候讲到我们杭州有哪些名人,到了我们宁波的名人屠呦呦。屠呦呦不仅是身边人,更是故事中的人。

      说话人 10

      老师最后的结尾又回到了我们自己,我们学生的自我,我们应该怎么做?我觉得这整个的流程从身边到故事,再回到身边,这个过程非常流畅,我觉得设计得非常合理,在整个教学的过程当中,它还是体现了我们是一节语言课,通过阅读,尤其是重要语不断的阅读。我们第一段、第三段、第五段、 35 段以及第六段这些关键语段的阅读,获取关键信息。

      说话人 10

      在这个信息通过我们的梳理,我们的分析让我进行概述,概述屠呦呦作为一个科学家的优良的品质,作为科学探界过程当中的那种坚韧不拔的精神,我觉得在这一点上老师们非常做得非常好。我们不是德育课,但是我们是通过语言学习,一定要探究到这个语篇所给我们学生成长带来的意义。因此采取了后面的两个 task 学生精彩的表现。

      说话人 10


      说话人 10


      说话人 10

      唉,其实刚才孙教授也谈到这节课,我总想说读书读的不够,后来才想就 35 分钟,它不正常的时间。因为我们希望展示更多的课,所以龚老师在前面说,今天展示的不一定都是课堂上真实的,我们课堂真实至少是 40 分钟或者 45 分钟,所以今天阅读的时间总觉得还是稍微少了一点,但不错,我觉得我们老师在关键语段上面还是给了学生创作的时间的,这一点我们觉得,比方说第二段我们没有怎么读,是不是为什么不读英文?那一段讲屠呦呦的出生,他的教学的经历,这一块没有人没有花时间去读,但并不是这段不重要,我相信平时教育学的过程中应该会去读。

      说话人 10

      所以 b 号侧在读第六段的时候稍微匆忙了一点点,就因为我估计时间也不够,赶快把那个 200 万的时间弄出来,然后把那个我就觉得这地方可能还是有些遗憾呐,就是说我这种,我们觉得这没关系,我想我们今天的展示是把我们的教学过程当中那些关键的东西,嗯,我们重要的东西展示出来,可能有些环节可能我们因为大会这种赛展示制作的原因,可能有些东西可能做的不太够,但是我现在今天向老师还有一个亮点,就是说我们还是特别注重以学生为中心的。

      说话人 10

      在学生为中心这个体现在第一个是学生读书,第二个也期待学生思考、学生在讨论、学生在展示,像这些活动在本三本节课的 35 分当中占出了大量的时间。我觉得在学习过程当中老师有引领,更多的是老学生在老师的引领下有了充足的表现,有了学习,有了提高,有了感悟,有了表达。好,谢谢向老师。

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    5高中英语选择性必修二语法课 U5 First Aid Discover useful structures教学视频,2023第17届全国高中英语基本功大赛...
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      07高中英语 Reading for writing How to make an effective poster探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

      Well, I'm so glad to be here together with you to explore the world of wildlife Protection today. And let's look at here. What's it? Do you recognize it, dear? All we can say, the Tibetan antelope, right? And it was once an endangered animal, right? And to save more endangered animals, we celebrate the Wild Wildlife Day. So here is a question for you. When is it? So take care your pet and please upload your choice.

      说话人 1

      Finish. Yes, let's find out your answer here.

      说话人 1

      Yes, most of you actually choose the right answer. Yes, the right answer. Well, one of day falls on March 3rd, several days ago. Right. And we usually hold a lot of events to celebrate it and to arouse people's awareness of protecting wildlife. And actually, there are still a lot of other animals which need our help. So let's watch a very short video clip to find out what happened to them.

      说话人 2

      Hari juli maluri n.

      说话人 2

      Ilmu. Life skill. I dream.

      说话人 1

      Well, a sad story, right? And there are four animals appearing in the video clip. What are they? Rhino. Rhino. Yes, the rhino at the very beginning of the video clip. Right. And what else? It whales you more. So what happen to them? What happened to these animals?

      说话人 2

      They were killed.

      说话人 1

      Killed? They were killed by whom? By people, right. So at the very beginning, the horse of the rhino were removed, right? And the whales were rounded up and attacked by human beings, the habitat of the pelican, the sea bird. Right. Was polluted by oilsville. And the seals were hunted by persons. So what should we do to help them? So let's think about this question from the following 3 different identities. Please share your opinions through the path one minute for you, please use the complete sentence. Take out your pad and upload your opinion.

      说话人 1

      Sanash. Yes. Now let's shift our attention to the screen here. Let's find out what are your pay, what your opinions are. Well, most of you have uploaded your opinion here about how to help the wildlife. And I like to invite some of you to share your ideas with us.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, well, Yang Siqi, how about you share your idea with us?

      说话人 2

      I think the government should establish some organizations to help prevent the animals from.

      说话人 1

      Yes, good. But please pay attention. This is a sentence, right? So the first word should be capitalized. Alright, and let's see other's opinions. Well, how about if I think, what's the idea?

      说话人 2

      I think ordinary people should raise their awareness of protecting endangered animals. Yes.

      说话人 1

      Good. Well, and how about, don't we, what's your opinion?

      说话人 2

      I think the celebrity shows that example and common people notify products made by animals.

      说话人 1

      Yes, the celebrities, right? Good. And here are my answers for this question. So from my opinion, the government should make laws to regulate people's behavior and set up more nature reserves. Right. And the celebrities should help promote and set an example to protect wildlife for the ordinary people. We should reduce environmental pollution and stop buying products made a wildlife. And as Yu Fei has mentioned, that we could also raise our awareness of protecting the wildlife. So we can make a poster to raise it, right? So today we will learn to how to make an effective poster for the Wildlife Protection. Now let's take out our textbook and turn to page 20. Look at the two posters here.

      说话人 1

      Why catch the eyes at first sight? Picture. Yeah, the picture, yeah, title. So let's first pay attention to the true picture here, right? So can you use some words to describe it? What's the feature of the picture here? Very. The first.

      说话人 2


      说话人 1

      Attractive. Frightening. Attractive. Yes. Or eye catching, right? Eye catching arouse our attention. And for the emotions the images convey to us. The left one, that's one. So can you use some keywords to express your feelings as a first side of the picture here? The first one, angry. Angry. Yeah, angry. It looks angry, not friendly, right? And maybe it seems a little bit. Right? Yeah, frightening. Good. How about the right one? What are they? Cool. Yeah, they're koalas, right? And they're. What's your feeling about them?

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      10高中英语 Talk about Chinese Language Learning Abroad 探究教学视频,2023年中国教育报“智慧校园”全国系列活动(杭州站)创新案例展示

      说话人 1

      Afternoon. Okay, sit down, please. I'm very happy to have you here today. And we will learn Book 5. You need to using language, talk about Chinese language learning abroad. And before we talk about Chinese language learning abroad, let's talk about your English learning. So do you think English is difficult, yes or no? Yes, a little bit difficult.

      说话人 1

      What problems do you have in English learning? What problems do you have in English learning? The whole class? Pronunciation. Yeah, pronunciation, vocabulary, right? Grammar, grammar and grammar, vocabulary, pronunciation, writing, speaking, reading, and listening. And okay, you have so many difficulties, so many problems, right? So it's not easy to learn a foreign language. And we may have some collocation problem and pronunciation and intonation, vocabulary, listening, speaking, reading, writing, and English cultures. And now today, things have changed. People around the world have started to learn Chinese and now watch a video and tell me their difficulties in learning Chinese.

      说话人 2

      I've been studying Chinese for eight years. Why the tones? And we need to do that. Did we need to do that here? Let me give an example. Okay, my, okay, my fourth is the worst. That was 4th of the worst one is horse run his mother. I don't know which I'm.

      说话人 3

      Just excellent person with mama horse Italian shy of. But we say what? Shy Taya? Wow, you're not even old. We have to say.

      说话人 1

      This. When you dad.

      说话人 2

      Shell out Paul. oh east she west everything from east to west dont she hahaha。

      说话人 2

      你是 dont she west 我不是。

      说话人 2

      all alive creatures cannot be。

      说话人 3

      What's your tongue? You cannot say that. Watch my tongue.

      说话人 2

      She don't go straight into the box.

      说话人 2


      说话人 3

      This? What's the meaning of this? Yeah, they have the only thing like that. This means, I don't know, I'm token. This person has a big relationship with very much. Actually, person has no idea how you see, like I say, sorry, mouse, maybe democratizing.

      说话人 1

      Okay, so what problems do they have? What problems do they have? Yeah, now let's see who is the lucky guy.

      说话人 1

      Toms, Pelisi, me and how to write. Yeah, they have 100,000 Chinese characters, right? It's hard for foreigners to learn how to write in Chinese character and grammar and collocation, right? Collocation and tones policing me and vocabulary, listening, speaking, write Chinese characters and Chinese culture, right? Okay, good answer. Thank you. Okay, and now to know more about how to know more about Chinese language learning, our school TV, Dinan television, will invite a student to interview a foreigner student. And now at the end of the class, we will role play a phone call, interview you and your deskmate. One will be the interview view interviewer and the other will be the interviewee. Okay, as a host, what questions can you raise? How long have you been? Okay, the whole class. What questions can you. Okay, what about Fengyao? You please?

      说话人 4

      How long have you been learning English?

      说话人 1

      How long.

      说话人 4

      Right? And.

      说话人 1

      Okay, use a microphone. Okay, just just say it. How.

      说话人 4

      Long and can you speak the Chinese fluently?

      说话人 1

      Okay, whether he could he or she could speak Chinese fluently. Okay, here are some reference words. What, where, why, how, and who. Okay, any other questions?

      说话人 4

      How can you understand what others are speaking?

      说话人 1

      So the topic is Chinese language learning abroad. So can you raise some questions about this topic? Okay, sit down. Please invite. Thank you for your answer. Any other volunteers? Okay, you please.

      说话人 5

      Where can you learn.

      说话人 1

      English? Yeah, where? English or Chinese? Or Chinese. Where do they learn Chinese? Right? Where do they learn Chinese?

      说话人 5

      And who you learn Chinese from?

      说话人 1

      Yeah, who? Who to learn from?

      说话人 5


      说话人 1

      where to learn?

      说话人 5

      and who encouraged you to learn。 Needs.

      说话人 1

      Yeah, also about the who question, right? Any? Okay, thank you. Any other questions? Okay, sorry. Can we please. Why do you want to learn Chinese? Yeah, why to learn.

      说话人 6

      And how do you learn Chinese in your everyday life?

      说话人 1

      Yeah, how to learn, right? Okay, good answer. Thank you. So it seems that you are a good host. You can raise many questions. You can raise many questions. So now, if we were the interviewee, how can we answer these questions? Now we are foreigners and now try to answer these questions. Okay, why do people around the world learn Chinese?

      说话人 1

      Now let's have a group discussion. Let's have a group discussion. Four student for each group. You four group 1, okay, four student each group. Okay, go within one minute. So why do the foreigners learn Chinese? Why do you learn English? English is a bridge to complete the work. Can bridge, bridge, bridge other countries, right? Bridge other countries. Anything else?

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