

特级教师网络精品课小学英语Module 7 unit1 Sports 教学视频+说课+说课


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特级教师网络精品课小学英语Module 7 unit1 Sports 教学视频+说课+说课
课题:特级教师网络精品课小学英语Module 7 unit1 Sports 教学视频+说课+说课
TAGS: 小学英语




课    型:阅读课第一课时



本节所教授的是《英语》(新标准)一年级起点第十二册Module 7 Unit1 He spent about 21 hours in space一课,在前面几个单元中学生对一般过去时已经一定的复习,本节课中通过对文本的理解,进一步复习一般过去时所表达的意义,让学生准确运用动词过去式的使用方法,同时学会利用文本自己架构语言,提升学生综合运用语言的能力!












3. 情感态度目标:









CD-ROM, 多媒体课件,卡片


Step One: pre-reading

Hi ,everybody, nice to meet you. my name is cherry, what’s your name? do you like songs? Now, let’s enjoy a song.

1.Enjoy a song.

2.Free talk. “ I have a dream.”

Ok , It’s very exciting. Everybody has a dream. When I was a child, I liked  basketball.  so, I had a dream, I wanted to be a basketballer. But my dream didn’t come true, I become a teacher. Can you tell me. What’s your dream? What do you want to be in the future?

3. Present a boy.

A little boy, he liked space, he wanted to fly to the space, to be a spaceman, so , he worked hard, worked hard and worked hard. When he grew up , his dream came true. Who is he?

Step two: While-reading

Now, please watch the video, who is he?

1.  Watch the video.

Who is he?

2.  read the text. Talk about Yang Liwei

(by groups)Right , he is Yangliwei, wa , cool, let’s know more

information about yangliwei , please open your books, on page 26. first, Read the text by yourselves, then discuss in your group, to find out the missing information.  Please write down in the blanks.

    To finish the blanks:

He was the              _________in space. He is very very __________. He is from _______________,When he was a little boy, he wanted to_______________________.

He was the China’s first man in space. He is very very famous. He is from Liaoning. When he was a little boy, he wanted to go into space.

Ok, let’s look,  ( to ask some groups to say the information)

First , it means before anything, before the others. For example,

This line, who is the first student? This line?

Yangliwei is the China’s first man in space, who is the china’s second man in space? They are Fe Junlongi and Nie Haisheng, they went into space together.

Who is the China’s first woman in space? She is Liuyang.

This is Liuyang.

Famous, very well known. Can you tell me a famous sporter?

Famous star?

Let’s read together.

3.read the text again.(by groups). Discuss the following questions。

ok, you did good job. Lets know about yangliwei’s work.

There are some questions,(read the questions) first, discuss the questions in your group, then, choose one student to report. I’ll give you 5’.

When did Shenzhou V fly into space?

How long did yanglewei spend in space?

What did yangliwei make?

What is yangliwe’s first words in space?

What was yangliwei's son feelings when he saw his father in space?

4. Check the answers and describe the part.

1.In October 2003,  Shenzhou V flew into space.

2.He spent about 21 hours in space.

3. He made a video.

4.His first words in space were , “ I feel good.”

5. yangliwei’s son saw his father in space and he was very proud of him.

    ( to ask each group to report) look, these verbs, they are past tense. Please after me. ( teach the words)

What are their present tense? Flew –fly, spent—spend  made---make, were—are , saw—see, was---is.

Fly, fly a kite, a bird can fly. Can you fly?  I can fly, I have a pair of invisible wings.

Spent , it means pass or use time. We’ll spend happy time in the class.

Yesterday, I spent 2 hours in a park. How long did you spend to do your homework?  How long did you spend to surf internet?

( to teach the sentences. And read one by one,  together)

Any questions in the part?

Step three: post-reading

No questions, ok, let’s repeat after the tape.

1. listen and repeat.

2. Practice in pairs.  Read together.  Read individual.

Excited, it means full of strong feelings of happiness.

Any questions so far?

We know , everybody has a dream, let’s look at wangfei’s dream and lingling’s dream

3 Wangfei’s dream and lingling’s dream.

Wangfei’s dream.

   Last night, in my dream. I was a spaceman. I flew into space. I could see the stars. I spent 2 hours there. When I came home, I was famous.

Lingling’s dream.

 Last night, in my dream.  I was a bird ,  I flew into the sky. I could fly high and high. I flew and flew, I played with cloud. When I came home, I was very happy.

Talk about your dream.

   Last night, in my dream. I ________________________________


___________________________________ When I came home, I was



Describe your dream with the past tense, maybe you are……., please

Do the job in your group.

(ask some students to say their dream)

In this lesson, we knew about yangliwei and yangliwei’s work. We could describe an event with past tense.

I hope you read the text at home., and describe your dreams to your parents. And write down your dream.



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