

人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Unit 2 My family C story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省


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人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Unit 2 My family C story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Unit 2 My family C story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Unit 2 My family C story time 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省
Unit2.My family C. story time小学英语教学设计  教学内容: Unit2.My family C. story time    教材版本:  人教版PEP小学英语三年级下册  一、 教学背景分析:  本篇课文节选自人教版PEP小学英语三年级下册Unit2.My family  本单元的话题围绕学习家庭成员展开。本节课在本单元介绍家庭描述家人等知识能力基础上,继续就学生所熟悉的人物Zoom的家人进行讲述,描述家人的外貌继而拓展到职业,故事生动幽默风趣,符合本阶段的学生心里认知。  二、 学情分析:  三年级下阶段的学生积极性高,思维活泼,善于观察、模仿、乐于表达、在熟悉表达家庭成员的称呼,简单描述家人的基础上,通过阅读故事能进一步帮助学生语言在文本情景中的运用,发散学生思维,提高语言修养。  三、 教学目标:  1.Knowledge Objectives  By the end of this class, students 1.1 are able to identify and use the key  words .father/mother/beautiful/actress, etc. 1.2 are able to understand and use the sentence :  This is my __________. He/She is_____________.  2. Skill objectives  By the end of this class, students  2.1 are able to role-play the story and retell the story by using the  target language.  2.2 are able to develop reading strategies: skimming  /scanning/cooperating.  2.3 are able to identify the logical reasoning and understanding the  deep meaning of the text .  2.4 are able to model to write their own story about family.  3. Moral and thinking objectives   By the end of this class ,students are able to understand and image difference between families. students are able to love their families and try to cherish every minute with their families.    四、 教学重点难点:  1.Teaching key points  By the end of this class ,students  1.1 are able to identify and use the target family words . 1.2 are able to read and understand the story .  2.Teaching difficult points  1.3 are able to understand the logical deep meaning of the text. 1.4are able to write a passage about their families now and in the future .  五、 教学方法    1. Communicative approach 2. PWP approach 3. Task-based method    六、教学过程设计  Teacher’s activities  Students’activities  Purposes  I.Pre-reading  Activity 1 Let’s sing Play the video T:What do you sing?  S:Listen and sing Watch the video. Vs: Free-talk.  用与文本相关话题歌曲帮助学生迅速进入文本话题。  Activity 2 Leading-in  ①.Direct to the topic. Show the picture.  ②.Show clues: Who? How? What?  ①.Watch and guess: Whose’s family is the story about?  ②.Ask questions about Zoom’s family . ③.Vs: Try to answer who they are in the family.  1、 引导学生通过图片 进行相关文本猜测,预测和表达。  2、 学生提问,思考并 回答。  3、提高学生语言知识储备。  II.While-reading  Activity 3 Watch and think ①.Play the video: How is Zoom’s mother/father? What is Zoom’s mom/dad? ②.Play the video: Does Zoom want to be an actress? Why?    ①.Watch the video: Try to find the answer . Answer and fill the table.  ②.Watch and read  1、 学生精读,从文本 中提取相关信息。    2、学生深入思考,推测文本深层意义。  Activity 4 Role –play the story Divide in to groups  Group—work:  Role play the story the show.  通过小组合作,深入理解表达。  Activity 5 Retell—the story ①.Try to think: How is Zoom’s mother? How is Zoom’s family?  Vs: She is________. Bs: Retell together  帮助学生形成自我语言思维方式。归纳总结。  III.Post –reading  Activity 6 Talk about your family T:Show teacher’s family photo 25 years ago. Talk  S:Show their family photo and try to say.  联系学生实际生活,进行拓展运用。  Activity 7 Imagine, draw and say ①.Zoom’s photo. Answer video about changes of family.  Draw and say about their family 25 years later.  通过任务帮助学生思考,想象25年后家庭的变化,学会珍惜当下,学会爱自己的家人。  Activity 8 Watch a video book  Conduction.    No mater who you are ,your family changes.  Get to know: Family is about love . East or west, home is best.    Home—work:  1. Read and retell the story. 2. Tell your family with your friends. 3. Read more books about family , 4. eg:My dad________. My mom________.  Board—design:  Unit 4 My Family C. Story time    教学反思:   本节课是一节故事阅读课教学,以本单元My family为主题。本节课结合学生自己家庭生活情境贯穿始终,通过一个个任务的设计,发散学生思维让学生尝试对文本提问,深入对文本进行理解。采取分层阅读,掌握英语阅读的方法和技巧的同时感受阅读的乐趣。通过观察Zoom家庭成员的特点和每个家庭的氛围,懂得理解和感恩。设计了让学生根据全家福照片介绍家人,对比并想象绘制出未来25年后家庭的变化,思考当下应该为家庭做些什么。在教学同时,结合英语相关主题视频和绘本拓展学生英语语言思维。通过本节课的教学,发现本节课还有一些值得改进的地方,如对于书写方面的指导和要求。加强听读的指导。
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