

人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Appendix 2:Vocabulary Beautiful Plates Teaching Plan 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省


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 人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Appendix 2:Vocabulary Beautiful Plates Teaching Plan 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
课题: 人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Appendix 2:Vocabulary Beautiful Plates Teaching Plan 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点三年级下册 Appendix 2:Vocabulary Beautiful Plates Teaching Plan 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
1    Appendix 2: Vocabulary  Beautiful Plates Teaching Plan   Xiao Dan ( Dagong Road No.2 Primary School )  Jiangxi Province Ganzhou City  Teaching Contents:  Review the words and sentences patterns of Grade 3 Teaching Aims:  1. Review the words of Grade 3, including 8 parts: animals, countries, body parts , features, foods, numbers, family members and colours. 2. Review the main sentence patterns of Grade 3  3. Try to get the way to design a plate , and introduce it in English by using the words and sentences of this class. Teaching Difficulties:  1. Use the words and sentences patterns fluency 2. Finish drawing the plate, and introduce it. Teaching Aids:  1. Colour pens and one paper plate  4. 8 pieces of plate with 8 parts of words : animals, countries, body parts , features, foods, numbers, family members and colours for sticking on the blackboard. 2. Cards with main sentences patterns Teaching Steps: Step 1. Warm up  1. sing a song: jelly on a plate  T:In that song, we sing”jelly on a …”? Ss: plate. T: Yes ,plate.    2    Usually we use plate to put some foods.  Today , I will show you some special plate. Do you want to see? T play PPT  T:How do you think of these plate? Ss:They are beautiful/colourful…  T: I have a beautiful plate, but,look ,it’s broken into 8 pieces. Today ,could you help me to fix it? Let’s go! Step2 .Presention  1. Animals (think of the ourline)  (1). T: When you want to draw a plate, what would you want to draw?  Ss: I want to draw…  (2). T: So ,you want to draw animals. Before our drawing, Let’s think of the outlines.  Here are some outlines , guess ,what ‘s this/that? T play PPT: elephant, rabbit, dog, duck , monkey, fish Ss: It’s a /an…   (3). T: What animal do you like best? Ss: I like…  You know so many animals, so ,this animal piece is for you! 2. Nationality  (1). T: So, can you tell more about these animals? Such as: where is it from? T:It’s from…  PPT: Panda—China, eagle—USA, lion—UK, beaver—Canada, kangaroo – Australia (2).Challenge: Read a chant, get the country piece.    3    Let’s chant: I’m from China, I’m from the UK  Animals from China and the UK. It’s fr om Canada, It’s from the USA,  Animals from Canada and the USA. Opps! Don’t froget Australia! (3). get the country piece. 3. Body parts  (1).T: OK, now we can start to draw.   When we start, which part should we draw first? Ss: I’ll draw…  (2). T: Here is a picture of mine, can you guess which part I’ll draw? PPT: ears-head- eyes-nose-mouth-face-body-arms- hands-legs- feet-tail ------a tiger  T:Don’t forger any parts! Give you the body parts piece! So , look ,what’s this? Ss: It’s a tiger. T:Is it cute? Ss:…  (3).T: How about these animals? Which one do you prefer? PPT: 4 animals , 2 of them with unreasonable parts. T: Of course , No.1&No. 3 are more reasonable.   So , when we are drawing ,please pay attention to the features. 4. Features    4    (1).T: Can you find out the features of the following animals? What does it like?  Ss: It’s …(big,small,tall,short,thin,fat) It has (long legs….)  PPT: elephant vs. cat : big vs. small  giraffe vs. bird: tall vs. short pig vs. monkey : fat vs. thin flamingo : It has long legs monkey: It has… mouse: It has…  (2). T: Can you describe your favorite animals? Ss: I like… It has… (3). Get the feature piece 5. Foods  (1). PPT: mouse: I’m hungry.  T: So, what should we do? Maybe we can also draw some their favourite foods with your animals.  (2). T: Can you tell me ,what does it like to eat? Ss: It likes…  PPT: monkey—banana, cat--- fish …. (3). Say more foods ,get foods piece. T: How about you? Group work: I like… and … Ss show time 6. Numbers  (1). PPT: Delicious foods , whom you want share with?    5     Ss: Family … Friends…  T: So we can draw more animals on your plates. How many animals do you want to draw? Ss: ….  (2). Count and get piece  T: And how many animals can you see ? Ss: I can see…  PPT: 4 pictures with many animals (get numbers piece) (3). T: How many people are there in your family? Who are they? Ss: … 7. Family Members  (1). T: Animals have their family too. Can you guess : Who is it? Ss:…  PPT: ① .Look ,there are 2 kangaroos ,can you guess the big one is….? mother—baby  ②. And these 6 pigs . yes ,they are a family.  Father, mother, grandmother,grandfather, sister, brother T: What else? Ss:… (2). Point and say PPT: ①.3 pandas ②.4 dogs  (3). Wonderful answer! Get family member piece. 8. Colours  (1). Game: sharp eyes  
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