

人教版(PEP)三起点四年级下册 Unit 6 Shopping 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省


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人教版(PEP)三起点四年级下册 Unit 6 Shopping 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点四年级下册 Unit 6 Shopping 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点四年级下册 Unit 6 Shopping 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,江西省
PEP4Unit 6 Shopping  Part CStory time 一、教学目标 1、知识目标:  能听懂会说How much is it ?及其回答.要求在场景中正确运用出来。 2、技能目标:  (1) 能根据图片和情境准确、流利地朗读story time。 (2) 能在实际情景中进行简单的英语交流和表演。 3、情感目标:  (1)注意培养学生的团结合作精神和竞争意识。 (2)让学生意识到仔细和知错就改的重要性。 二、教学重难点 重点: 听懂会说How much is it ?及其回答.要求模仿正确,语调自然,并准确、流利地朗读。 难点:熟练的运用及表演故事 三、教具准备  PPT课件,录音,头饰,小熊手偶 四、教学步骤    Teaching procedures  Step1 Warm-up 1、Greeting  T:Hello,boys and girls .Nice to meet you ! Ss: Nice to meet you, too.  2、Free talk  T: Ok, boys and girls,before our class,let’s play a game“sharp eyes” (设计意图:复习句型衣服类的单词以及How much ... ?询问价格,为故事的开展打下基础)  T:Look at these beautiful clothes and pictures,Do you like them? Ss:Yes!  T:and I know that Zoom is the shop’s assitant助理,Let’s ask him about their prices, ok? Ss: OK  T 拿出Zoom:Dang Dang Dang !  Zoom: Hello! Everyone! (飞吻状,姆妈!)I am your friend Zoom! Ss:Hello!Zoom!  T:Zoom, these clothes are so beautiful(动作夸张)! Are you happy there?(开心表情)  Zoom:e e (支支吾吾)  T:Ok, boys and girls ,can you guess? (疑惑状) Ss: yes no……  T:Ok, let’s read the story together and find the answer ,ok? Ss:Ok!  T:And I will divide you into 4 groups,1234.If you do a good job ,you can get one piece of clothes,ok?(展示黑板上的竞争机制) S:OK.  T:Now, let’s go! Step2 Pre-reading 1、T(cover):look at the cover,what can u see? Who are they? Ss:They are elephant、sheep and Zoom. T:Good! And where are they ? Ss:They are in the shop.  T:Can you guess which one is the boss? Ss:The elephant  T:Maybe it’s the elephant ,but why?  ppt领带处T: Because he wears a tie.Great! You have sharp eyes! / You are so smart!Big hands for you   Now,Can you tell me whether he is happy or unhappy? T:Is Zoom happy ?  Ss:no ,he isn’t.he is unhappy. T: Why is Zoom unhappy?Guess  T:Now let’s read the story and find the answer,OK?Ss:OK  (设计意图:通过阅读封面来了解故事基本信息)    Step3 While-reading (1)Skimming  T:let's listen to the tape and answer my question. Q1:Why is Zoom unhappy?)  Ss:Because the boss elephant says: you are fired!   He is very angry.Yes, you are fired means you can’t work in this shop. Now read after me:ff-fff ii-iii ee-eee dd-ddd f-i-e-d Fired、fired、fired、 Ok,girls ,You are fired!  Ok,boys ,You are fired!  T:ok , I will go now, my boss!(假装要走)Just kidding! (2)Scanning  T:But why is Zoom fired? let's listen to the tape (听第一遍) and answer my question: why is Zoom fired? 听完后  T:Well,Why is Zoom fired? Who can try? 学生回答:中文  老师帮学生重复Ss:Because Zoom is careless )The price tag is wrong. Q3:So how much is this skirt? Is it 16? Ss:No , it's 91.  T: Excellent!Where did you find the answer? in which picture ? Yes, picture 5, now underline the sentence and read together:Then how much is it? It’s ninety-one,sorry. Ss:  T:Can you find other numbers like this? 16 91?  引导学生,有的话就鼓励,没有就呈现。So we should be careful! (3) Detail reading听第三遍并模仿口吻跟读读,回答问题  活动1、模仿跟读T:Now let’s listen to the tape and imitate. 学生跟读  (设计意图:以Zoom的情绪为主线,步步设问的方式引导学生思考)    Step4:Post reading Task1 改编故事  T:Now look here,Zoom is unhappy because the boss says: you are fired! Because Zoom is careless.So this is mind map.Beginning ,plot, ending make up a story.  T:Do you like the ending?  Ss:No ,because Zoom is unhappy.  T: So how can we change the ending? Who can try? T:If we have dolaameng, we can turn back the clock. Ss:  T:If Zoom is careful,he check the price tag,then Zoom will not be fired,then Zoom is happy. Task2续编故事  T:However,can we turn back the time? Ss:No  T:If you were zoom, what can you do to change the ending after that? we can go back to the beginning, what can you do to change the ending? To make Zoom happpy?  I will give you some hints.What will you say to Miss sheep? What will you say to the boss?Now work in pairs and discuss with your partners Then share with us.  T:Who wants to share with us, what will you say if you are Zoom?  T:Wonderful! If I were Zoom ,I will say to Miss sheep like this:I am so sorry but let me help you to choose another one. ,I will say to the boss:I am sorry, boss . I can be careful . I can do a good job.  So what we have learned from this story are :1、We should be careful. 我们要仔细。  2、Correct the mistake as soon as you know it. 知错就改。 Task 3 Role play  T:Now each group can choose one of stories and act them out. You have 3 minites to practice with your partners.   Ok, who can try? Group1 ,come here.You choose story A or B(continue the story) or C(make up a new story)? T:Well done!  T:Group3 ,come here. T:Nice work!  T:Congratulations!Today’s winner is group _  Zoom手偶出现:Thank you ,boys and girls ,now i am very happy,Bye!  (设计意图:故事改编和续编发散学生思维,锻炼思维品质,让学生意识到要仔细,知错就改。)    Step 5:Homework  1、Retell the story to your parents  2、Try to draw a mind map of this story. Step 6:Blackboard design  
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