

人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter(Part C Story time) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省

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人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter(Part C Story time) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter(Part C Story time) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省
课题:人教版(PEP)三起点五年级下册 Unit 4 When is Easter(Part C Story time) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,安徽省
PEP6 Unit4 When is Easter? Part C Story time教学设计 一、教材分析  本课是PEP教材五年级下第四单元When is Easter? C Story time  的内容。本课以音乐考试为主线,以学生的生活体验和认识为基础,紧密贴近学生的生活实际,语言材料真实具体,让学生乐学易学。文本结构为 Practice makes perfect. Will you come to the party/play football/... with me ? I want to practise my song. I need morepractice. I'll go swimming tonight.整体上简洁而明晰。通过本课的学习,鼓励学生用Will you come to the party/play football/... with me ?的问答句来描述自己打算要做的事情,发展学生综合语言运用能力。同时,借助swimming contest让学生自由选择不同的结局并参与设计相关活动,提升学生的语言综合运用能力,并体验学生学习所带来的乐趣和成就感。  二、学情分析  本节课的教学对象是五年级的学生。五年级学生已学习英语两年多,在英语听说读写方面具有了一定能力。学生已在unit4中初步接触了一般将来时的用法,学生的这些前期的语言和知识的积累都可以被迁移和运用到这堂课中,成为这堂课设计起点。本课在通过滚动复习一般将来时句型Will you...的基础上,通过阅读故事,建构起学生新的知识。  三、教学目标与重难点  (一)教学目标 1、知识目标  学生能够在图片和教师的帮助下,阅读故事文本,理解故事内容,复习与巩固关于日期的表达方式以及句型:The singing test will be on May 4th. I can't... I want to...等,同时扩展学习新句型Practice makes perfect. Will you come to the party/play football/... with me ? I want to practise my song. I need more practice. I'll go swimming tonight等,增加学生语言的输入。 2、能力目标:  学生能够理解并朗读故事,掌握基本的阅读策略。学生能够理解并表演、复述故事,还能在语境中恰当运用故事中的语言。 3、情感目标:  在故事语境中,通过Zoom专心刻苦练习并最终在不擅长的唱歌考试中得到音乐老师称赞的经历,发散学生思维,让学生了解英语谚语“Practice makes perfect.”的深刻含义 。  (二)教学重难点 【重点】  1.能够掌握关于日期的表达方式(尤其是序数词的用法)以及句型,并灵活运用到语境中。  2.能够理解、朗读、表演故事并内化故事内容,了解英语谚语“Practice makes perfect.”的深刻含义。  【难点】能够把本课的词汇、句型运用到具体的语境中。  四、教学准备  CAI课件、单词卡片、录音材料  五、教学过程  教师活动 学生活动 设计意图 Step1.Greetings 1. Greetings Greet to students. Greet to the teacher. Step2. Pre-reading 1.Free talk Teacher asks students guess, “What can I do?” Then the teacher asks “Can you…?” If they can do it, the teacher says, “Don’t worry.” If they can do it, the teacher asks, “Will you … with me?” Guide students answer “Yes, of course.” “Sorry, I can’t.” 2.Game time Look and read quickly. 1.Ask students look and answer T:Look at the calendar, when is it? What can you see? Play the game, and say “Yes, of course.”/ “Sorry, I can’t.” Read the words. Ss answer the questions. It’s April 30th. I can see Zoom, Zip,  rabbit and cat.  游戏激趣,复习以前学过的动词、月份、序数词,激发学生的知识储备和相关经验,为后面的内容做铺垫,调动学生参与学习的热情。 提出问题,引发学生思考, Step 3 While-reading  1. Ask students read quickly and answer. T:Where are they? What are they talking about? Do you want to know? Read the story and answer the questions. 快速阅读文本,让学生带着问题有目的的感知文本,得到答案。  Read quickly and answer.   2.Ask students look and think. 1) Zoom can’t sing well on Apr.30th. How about on may 4th? Can he sing well? Ask students listen and check. 2)Talk about Zoom’s singing test. His friends clap their hands. And Miss Bird praises Zoom. Zoom looks excited. He jumps and says... How is Zoom’s singing test? Why?   3.Listen and choose Why can Zoom sing well on May 4th? A. I ask my friends for help. B. I practice the song. 4.Read part 2-4 carefully. (1)Fill in the table. When Zoom practices the song, who will come to Zoom’s home? Ask Ss fill in the table. (2)What will they invite Zoom to do? Ask students match. Guide students read the sentences. (3)Will Zoom play with his friends? Ask Ss listen and check the answer. Analyze the words: practise / practice They have the same meaning. But one is verb. The other one is noun. T:If you are Zoom. Will you play with Ss look at the picture and find the answer. Ss Listen and check the answer. Act like Miss Bird and Zoom. S: You are so nice./Super./You can sing very well./Good job,Zoom. S: Thank you,Miss Bird./ I can sing well./... Listen and think about the question. Choose the right answer. Ss: B. He says, I practise the song. Ss read part 2-4 and fill in the table. Ss match and then read the sentences. Answer the question. Then listen Part 2-4, check the answer。 Ss guess: Yes./No. Ss listen to the 观察故事图片,从故事文本、图片资源的角度得到一些信息:Zoom最后可以唱得很好。老师和朋友们都表扬了Zoom。让学生通过前后的反差猜测原因。 让学生带着问题听故事录音, 整体感知文本的 梗概,得出Zoom最后能唱得好是因为他勤于练习。  自然的引出 practise一词,学习并跟读词汇。实现语言知识的有效输入。 阅读故事2-4部分,回归文本,让学生学会阅读,教授阅读技巧。 通过选择、连线等交互式活动让学生在活动中进一步理解故事内容。 以听音表演的形式解决课文重点句型:I want to practise my song. I need more practice. 同时,分析practise和practice的差别。  Rabbit /Zip /Cat? What will you say? tape and try to repeat the sentences what  Zoom said.    Step 4. Post-reading 1.Role play If you are Zoom’s friends, What will you invite him to do? T: For example, if I’m a cat, I’ll say:Zoom,will you play the pipa with me? What about you? 2.Talk about the end Finally, Zoom can sing very well . At first, Zoom can’t sing very well. Let’s listen to his song.(music 1) But he doesn’t give up. He tries to practise the song on May 1st .(music 2) It’s better than before. And he doesn’t give up. He says:_____.(Ss)(music 3).It’s much better than before. But it’s still not the best. So, he says:_____.(S1)(music 4) It’s the best! He can sing very well. He can sing perfect songs. So, practice makes perfect. Zoom is so hard-working. 3.Now . Let’s enjoy the film, season 1 and read along with the film. Then retell the story. Ask Ss retell the story. Ss do a role play. S1: I practise the song on May 1st. S2: I practise the song on May 2nd. S3:I practise the song on May 3rd. Listen and talk about Zoom’s song. Enjoy the film and read along with the film. Ss retell the story. 深入剖析:If you are Zoom’s friends, What will you invite him to do? 让学生模仿Zoom的朋友们,进行角色表演。 让学生学会主动学习,充分尊重学生的主体地位,学会思考和拓展思维。  从Zoom是如何努力练习唱歌这一角度进行详细阐述,对文本进行了细节处理。 让学生自主总结,得出结论, Practice makes perfect. 再次观看动画并同声朗读,整体回顾。 通过复述,使学生进一步理解故事内容,锻炼学生综合语言运用能力。 Step 5 Extension  1.Enjoy the second season of the film 1) Does the film end? No. The second season of the film will be on... Enjoy the second season of the film 观看“熟能生巧2”,引发学生思考,在这个结尾 2) what will the film go on?   Maybe, Cat will be the champion. Maybe, things will be different.   Cat will be the second.  2.Make a new play, Act out the second season of the film.  3.Remember the truth: Practice makes perfect.    T: If you can’t do something well, please practise, practise and  practise. Remember, practice makes perfect.  Think: What will Zoom say?  Think about the different  endings. And fill in the blanks.  Group work:.Act out the different endings the film.  Ss say together.  中,Zoom 会如何鼓励Cat?  把“续编”故事的主动权交给学生,让他们进行主动思考,激发创新思维的能力。小组合作,进行故事续编并演绎不同的结局。  把Cat每天勤于练习游泳的环节引入其中,让学生进行创编。  小组合作,1-2组进行表演。  情感升华。  Step4.Homework T: Today’s homework:      Finish the homework.  分层作业布置,使每一层面的学生获得提升的空间
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