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部编高中英语人教版选修英语写作 Unit6 Emails and descriptions of places(Writing) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,浙江省
课题:部编高中英语人教版选修英语写作 Unit6 Emails and descriptions of places(Writing) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,浙江省
课题:部编高中英语人教版选修英语写作 Unit6 Emails and descriptions of places(Writing) 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,浙江省
人教版高中英语选修(知识与技能类)《英语写作》  Unit6 Emails and Descriptions of Places (Writing)  (一)教学分析  1. 教材分析  本课教学内容选自人教版选修(语言与知识技能类)《英语写作》第六单元Emails and Descriptions of places的Reading部分An email from Lucy。 这篇文章以电子邮件的形式通过Lucy的视角描写了北京的胡同,文章有详有略,描写性较强。作者简单介绍了胡同的历史和地理位置,将更多的笔墨放在胡同以及四合院的特点。为了突出这些特点,作者使用了一些具体的形容词,如“high”“grey”“plain”“beautifully decorated”等,同时也增加了一些细节描写,如“some of the lanes are so narrow that only one person can pass through at a time”等。  2. 学生分析  我的学生是高二的学生,他们具备一定的写作能力。在描写类文章的写作中,他们有意识要使文章具体生动,但是他们的困难在于不知道如何使文章生动。目前,他们已经学完了必修的五个模块,在这五个模块中,他们读过一些介绍或描写地点的文章,如介绍英国的Puzzles in geography, 介绍主题公园的Fun and more than fun, 介绍加拿大的A trip on the true north等等。这为训练描写地点的写作课积累了丰富的素材,笔者会在教学中对这些材料加以使用。另外,学生在写作上也存在句式单一的问题,需要补充一些丰富的句型或结构,提升学生写作语言水平。  3. 教学目标  1) 语言能力与学习能力  (1)发展阅读能力:速读并归纳胡同的各个方面以及提炼胡同和四合院的主要特点;通过赏析文章第三段到第五段作者对胡同和四合院的描写,总结出作者通过使用具体的形容词来添加细节使描写更加生动的写作技巧;通过研读描写地点的句子补充写作技巧,即举例子、提供数据以及通过侧面描写人的情感。  (2)发展写作能力:能够初步运用这些技巧生动地描写自己的学校。  2)文化品格与思维品质  通过引导学生观察文章语言,分析和比较不同描写语句的异同,归纳作者写作技巧及写作意图。  4. 教学重点与难点  本节课的重难点是赏析文章语言总结写作技巧并运用写作技巧进行写作。  5. 教学思路  这是一节以读促写的读写课。教师基于学生对文本大意的理解,引导学生赏析作者描写胡同的用词和写作手法。教师再呈现了一些学生曾经学过的关于地点描写的句子并引导学生总结作者如何突出细节描写,并找出作者组织语言增加细节的句型或语法结构。写作之前中通过句子帮助学生初步运用写作技巧,然后过渡到语篇的写作练习。总体思路如图:        (二)教学过程  Step1 提出问题,明确目标  T leads into the topic by guiding students to talk about the school and made clear the learning aim of this period.  T: What do you think of our school? (Ss: Beautiful, large, quiet, modern, big…) T: Why do you think it is beautiful? How big?  T: I'm going to describe our school to my foreign friend Grace in an email. If my email goes like this....What do you think of my writing? (Ss: too general and not vivid enough. ) T: Then how to give a vivid description of a place? This is our learning aim today.  But what kind of description is considered to be "vivid"? (It can produce a clear picture in readers' mind.)  [设计说明] 通过学生熟悉的地点--学校导入话题,让学生畅所欲言。通过追问,请学生提供细节从而引导学生发现自己写作中存在的问题,由此明确本课的学习目标。在导入环节明确学习目标,使学生在接下来的环节有针对性地阅读和思考,从而提高课堂效率。 Step2. 阅读赏析,总结技巧  T leads the students to read the passage and guide them summarize the skill of making the descriptions vivid.  1. Read for the general ideas and details.  T: Let’s read and appreciate a passage describing hutongs in Beijing to see how the writer conveys a clear picture to us.  Read and answer the following two questions: a. What aspects of hutongs are introduced? b. What are the features of hutongs? Ss:(read the passage)  T: What do you know about hutongs after reading this email? (location) Ss: location/history… Ss:...  T: What are the third and fourth paragraphs about? (Houses in hutongs) T: What's the feature of the hutongs? S1: Narrow  T: how narrow?  S2: so narrow that only one person can pass at a time. S2: Others are wider?  T: What are these hutongs like? S2: lined with trees  T: Are these alleys straight?
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