

部编冀教版九年级英语全一册Unit7 Work for Peace.Lesson38:Making School a Better Place 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省


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部编冀教版九年级英语全一册Unit7 Work for Peace.Lesson38:Making School a Better Place 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省
课题:部编冀教版九年级英语全一册Unit7 Work for Peace.Lesson38:Making School a Better Place 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省
TAGS: 九年级英语 PPT
课题:部编冀教版九年级英语全一册Unit7 Work for Peace.Lesson38:Making School a Better Place 获奖课教学视频+PPT课件+教案,甘肃省
Title  Lesson38: Making School a Better Place Teaching aims  Knowledge  To learn to use conjunctions: and, but, or, so.  Ability To practice listening skills: listen for specific information.  Emotion  To realize the responsibility of being a friend and student. To learn how to work for peace for our school.  Project  Content  Aims  Teaching procedures Step1: Lead-in  1. Let Ss enjoy the song Heal the World.  T: Make a better place for you and for me. I like these lyrics best. And as teachers and students, we always want to make our school a better place, but how?  2. Deal with the new words in this lesson. Arouse Ss’ interests in this lesson.  Step2: Before listening 1. Think about it.  Students are the masters of a school. In some schools in China, we have some students to represent all the students. This organization is called student council. Does our school have a student council? What do the members of a student council do? 2. Further reading: Student council.  A student council is a group of students that shares their ideas, interests and concerns with teachers and school principals. They raise funds for school-wide activities including social events, community projects and school reforms.  3. Introduce Danielle: Danielle is president of the student council in her school in Canada. Get to know more about student council.  Introduce background knowledge to help students understand better.  Step3: While listening  1. Listen and answer True or False.  • A student council is a group of students chosen to represent some students. ( )  • In November, they decided to give some money to an  Organization. ( )  • They made 300 yuan by selling tickets. ( ) • On student council, they always agree. ( )  • At her school, students are very different in many ways. ( ) • Everyone can work for peace in the school and in the world.  ( )  2. Listen again and answer the questions  • What do the student councils do in Canada? • How did they get money for the organization?  • Why is it important to understand other people at her school? • What do they need to do to work for peace in the school? Improve Ss’ ability in listening for specific information.  Step4: After listening  1. Challenge yourself: Fill in the blanks without reading your book.  Danielle is president of the student council at her school. In the council, they share their ideas, interests _____ concerns with teachers _____ others. During the meetings, they have to work together, ____ it’s not always easy to reach an agreement. The students have different religions, wear different clothes ____ speak different  Check students’ understanding of the passage, especially how to use the conjunctions.  languages at home. Sometimes they have disputes. Anyway, they are friends, ____ they try to understand each other. They need to learn about different countries ____ make friends with people from other cultures.  2. Extensive reading:  The student council of Discovery College  Question: What is each member good at?  3. Progress :  Student Council Executive Elections (竞选)  Election packages for Student Council are now available outside the Student Council office door! If you want to be part of a team that organizes many of our lovely events, oversees all clubs and truly makes an impact, then complete election packages before Wednesday, October 7. You need to make a speech for your election. Make sure state your abilities and, if elected, what you are going to do to make the school a better place.  1) Each student needs to get ready individually in five minutes.(Try to use the conjunctions and, or, but, so in the speech.) 2) Work in groups to choose the best one in each group.  3) The best ones make a speech in class, and then students choose the members for the student council.  Consolidate the mastery of the four conjunctions.  Enlarge students’ knowledge and get ready for the next step.  Practice using  conjunctions in oral English.  Solo-group-solo: to help students build their confidence.  Emotion promotion. Encourage students to build the responsibility of being the hosts of our school, and learn to help solve problems.  Home- work  Choose one between the two.  1) Write a letter to the head teacher to state your advice about making a better school.  2) Make a proposal to all the students in the school to call on everybody to make a better school.    Board Design  Lesson38: Making School a Better Place        Learning objectives:  1.Remember the key  words , phrases by heart.  2.Read the text and  catch the main idea. 3. Try to give a speech.
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标签: 九年级英语 PPT
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      01初中英语名师展示《Subway hero》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

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      02初中英语名师展示《Teaching plan for The wonderful Wizard of Oz》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该课例《Teaching plan for The wonderful Wizard of Oz》视频主要讲述了老师引导学生阅读一本书籍的过程。老师首先介绍了封面上的图片,并询问学生书名和其中角色的名字。接着,老师让学生翻到第一章并阅读,随后询问与章节内容相关的问题,如星星居住的地方、故事发生的地点等。通过提问和回答,老师引导学生理解故事情节和背景。整个视频体现了老师引导学生阅读、思考和回答问题的过程,有助于学生更好地理解和记忆书中内容。

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      03初中英语名师展示《Travel Journal》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《Travel Journal》视频主要讲述了英语老师Shawn在京华旅行的经历以及他写旅行日记的过程。Shawn分享了自己在旅行中记录见闻和感受的习惯,并展示了他在京华旅行时写的日记内容。视频中,Shawn还通过选择题的形式与学生们互动,帮助他们理解日记中的语句和词汇。通过这一堂课,学生们不仅能够了解旅行日记的写作方法,还能通过Shawn的旅行经历感受不同地方的文化和风情。

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      05初中英语名师展示《We are trying to save the animals》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《We are trying to save the animals》教学视频主要讲述了英语老师在课堂上与学生进行互动,以探讨关于动物的话题。老师首先询问了学生们对于动物的看法,并通过图片展示了一些动物,引导学生们进行讨论。学生们积极发言,分享了自己对于动物的喜爱和认识。老师还通过提问和引导学生们表达自己的想法,帮助学生们提高口语表达能力。整个课堂氛围轻松愉悦,学生们在互动中不仅学到了知识,也锻炼了语言交流能力。

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      06初中英语名师展示《Makes one b better person》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《Makes one b better person》教学视频主要讲述了视频博主亮亮通过分享自己的视频内容,介绍了自己在旅行中的经历和生活方式。亮亮在视频中展示了多种技能,如跑步、游泳、拍照等,并特别强调了拍照对自己带来的快乐和启发。他认为拍照能够记录下不同文化背景下的人们的生活,让自己更加了解世界。同时,亮亮也提到了学习能让自己变得更好,暗示了学习对于个人成长的重要性。整个视频传递出积极向上的生活态度和对世界的热爱。

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      08初中英语名师展示《Let's have fun reading today》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《Let's have fun reading today》教学视频主要讲述了在一次特殊的英语课上,老师通过一组数字来介绍自己,并引导学生猜测数字背后的含义。学生们积极参与,通过互动猜对了老师的一些信息,如教学年限和年龄等。视频还讨论了拥有手机的好处,学生们认为手机提供了便利,有助于学习。同时,也有学生认为手机的好坏难以一概而论,虽然它有诸多优点,但也可能带来负面影响。视频通过互动和讨论的方式,展示了英语课堂的趣味性和教育性。

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      09初中英语名师展示《The death of a government clerk》教学视频,第三届全国基础教育英语课堂教学观摩研讨活动.mp4

      该《The death of a government clerk》视频主要讲述了Jimmy Kudo作为一名高中生侦探,虽然身体被变小,但依旧擅长逻辑思考、推理和搜集线索,通过科技发明帮助解决案件。视频中提到了一个发生在1880年俄罗斯的案件,Jimmy Kudo和他的朋友一起努力解决这个案子,逐步收集信息,最终揭示真相。视频内容强调了逻辑思考和证据收集在解决案件中的重要性,并展示了Jimmy Kudo的聪明才智和敏锐的观察力。

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